May 3 – 4 – 5
The first thing I did when the alarm called 07:05 was to open and see how the weather looks like. The sky was mostly light blue but down the village lies fog closed over the houses.

My tentcamp in Groși
So today it will be warm and probably more sweaty then before. I was not in a hurry so I took it easy, Eat breakfast and inspect the surrounding fauna.

Nice flowers, but unknown species to me
At ten o’clock I sat up on my saddle, first 12 km descent on a bad and bumpy road which is also lined up with road machines.
My first stop today becomes at a gas station in the village of Vârfurile for hygiene needs and get rid of some rubbish.
Next stop in Brad, look up a café and asked kindly for hot water which I also get. In my handlebar bag I have some bags of espresso coffe. I could also connect my Huawei to their WiFi network. Before I left Brad I bought another gasbottle.
Now I’m in Transylvania, Count Dracula’s county and home. If I’m lucky or maybe unlucky I might see him, othervise I need to wait until I come to Bran and his castle

Transylvania is his home
To Deva and a hotel is about 2 and a half hours of cycling and the first 10-12 km up and down, thereafter quite easy cycling.
Entering Deva before 18.00 and no problem to find my hotel, Hotel Deva. Already planned for tomorrow’s activity.
While As I cycled towards the city, I saw a tourist-information sign below a very steep funicular. I stopped for a few minutes and got some info about the funicular end destination.
I´ve booked two nights in Deva and felt satisfied with that. When I checked in I got a promise to park the bike at a hidden place in the reception, but my bags had to follow me up to the room. A shower and new fresh clothes and I was ready for a dinner restaurant somewehre in the neighbourhood.
See yeah later