I wake up just before 8, the traffic has kept me half asleep since maybe half past six. Before I leaft the hotel, I asked for hot water for coffee, it will be my breakfast today in the morning.
Then carry all the stuff down, pack the bike and pull away around 10 past nine. Getting out of Kamunting is no problem. Just follow the thoroughfare for three or four km and then turn left and keep an eye out for signs that show Ipoh.
When I arrive in Taiping, I hade two choices, take the right road towards Kuala Kangsar or straight ahead along road 60 towards Beruas.
It will be the last option, although I don’t really know why, it just turned out that way.
The road is crooked and surrounded by oil palm and banana plantations. The traffic is sparse and the road is good but I can’t get rid of the heat!
There will be a few stops for water and ice refills. In George Town at Abu Garcia I bought a new waterproof bag to keep food and drinks in, have also thought about begging or buying crushed ice in plastic bags as cooling. Almost every roadside vendor always has a box of ice bags. Works pretty well, keeps the water reasonably cold almost a whole bike day. I’m thinking of covering the bag inside with aluminum foil, but that will have to be a later operation.
The further into the day I get, the heat increases and when it also stops blowing completely, it sometimes becomes almost unbearable.At half past two I cycle into Beruas and stop at a lunch restaurant along the thoroughfare with the Chinese–sounding name Kong Heng.
Lunch in Beruas
The restauran was almost full booked. I order the simplest from the menu, fried rice, chicken pieces and tomatoes.
Continuing after 40 minutes of lunch, follow road number 73 and later along the Sungai Perak River towards Parit.

Sungai Perak River
A few small stops to shade yourself from the sun and some water refill. The road is still curvy and the plantations never end.

Typical road between Beruas and Parit
But it’s a fun road to ride on, always exciting to see what shows up after the next corner. In front of me I also see the mountains that I have to cross or through to get to Cameron Highland.
It will be a challenge that is good enough. Graphhopper Maps, another map app I have on my phone, has drawn up that it will be climbing for just over 70 km!
The area is awesome green and beautiful and known for its tea plantations so I just have to experience this. It will take as long as it takes.
There will be a last stop and a wet cold towel over your head about 10 km here from Parit. Stop at a large tree that provides some shade. The ice in the bag comes in handy now, wet the towel as best I can and put it over my head.

Necessary rest from heat
I arrive at Parit just before half past six pm and feel worn out much like the day before yesterday. Staying at the city’s only hotel, which is located on the Sungai Perak River.

My hotel in Parit, Lanai Cempaka Sari @ Parit. Newly built and fresh
Later in the evening I took a round in the neighbourhood.
Today’s distance: 83.0 km Travel time: 05.02 a.m. Total time: 07.25 t.m
Maximum speed: 44.4 km/h Average speed: 16.5 km/h
Max temp: 43 0 °C Medium temp: 37 0 °C Min temp: 27 0 °C
See Yeah Later
// P-G, The Global Cyclist