8-10 December
I arrivede into El Chalten around noon. Flat road and no headwind made it quite easy to rech the town. El Chalten it’s like a mekka fpor bikes and trekkers. It’s also close to Chile.
It is completely evident that El Chaltén and its inhabitants live off tourism. I could list 100 hostels, guesthouses, and a few hotels. Bars and restaurants are also plentiful.
Personally, I booked a spot at a campground right in the middle of town, so to speak. Access to a kitchen, dining room, lounge, shower, and toilet. It turned out to be three nights.

My camping plce in El Chalten
A quite cozy campground with mountains all around. I also made a reservation for the boat trip across Lago del Desierto that will take me towards Chile. At the campground, I met many like-minded people and, of course, gained a lot of useful information about the journey from El Chaltén to Villa O’Higgins.
The weather varies from chilly to sunny, only to turn to rain a few minutes later. The information I received made me more convinced that the journey would be anything but easy. Not the boat trips, but from the Argentine border control located at the northern end of Lago del Desierto. From here, it will be walking, carrying, and pushing the bike for over 6 km, and quite steep uphill
See yeah later
//The Global Cyclist