Saturday morning, I woke up well rested and the first thing I did was … how is the weather?
Cloudy and raining with elements of snow, it is reality and You must like it.
Ten a clock from Resecentrum I will start pedaling south and I´ve been told that the local newspaper will be there and also some of my friend to say goodbye and good luck and my feelings they are… Feels Unreal But Exciting.
The short cycle trip from Kenths apartment was unsure, 2 cm of wet snow made the trip risky and in my mind there was only no crash.
Down at the Travel Center waited my colleagues, acquaintances, friends and some lovley F&S friends, far more I expected and it made me happy.
A special friend was also there, my beloved Jussi, an Irish Setter
I will miss you

May 1 2017 I started my journey
Small talks, hugs and some photos then take off.
Peter From the local newspaper follow me the first 10 km for more photos and a last intervju.
Nearly three years I will be one with my bike, it feels unreal but inspiring. Have to pinch my skin to be sure – It’s true.
Everything did well to my first night in tent just outside Härnösand.

Outside Härnösand I pitch up my tent close to a small creek
The only problem was – the ground was frozen and the tent pegs was hard push down, but everything can be solved.
Tomorrow, first Sundsvall then coast road to Norrfjärden where two of my dear friends and workingmates will meet up.