June 7

I slept well despite a cold night. Outside half clody but I suppose the clouds will disperse in a few hours once the sun had a chance to work a bit. To Mont Louise isn’t far, just 45 minutes cycling and I will stop there for a breakfast

Switchbacks from Mount-Louise

I’m glad it downwards ad not the opposit because it’s not going to be flat before I arrives Canaveilles 20 km down. The chilly and cloudy weather has turn into luke warm and sunny.
The ride to Villefranche-de-Conflent was easy as expected. I turned into the town throug a huge and old stone gate. Still to early for most of the tourist.
I bought a beer at a small but exclusively decorated bar and sat down outside.

Stoped in Villefranche-de-Conflent for a cold beer

While I sip my cold beer with reverence, the sparsely populated streets become increasingly filled with tourists. It seems that Villefranche-de-Conflent is a popular village to visit, which also google informed me with…One of the most beautiful villages of France and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but everything here is expensive, also my beer!

After 45 minutes it was time to continue. Weather still sunny and warm but now I got some tailwind so I could speed up a little. I passed many small and cozy villages, some og them lies beautiful along mountain slopes often with a church or a tower standing upp.

Saint-Vincent-d’En-Haut church in EUS

Rest of my cycling to Perpignan was both easy and warm and my legs was still fresch . I arrive into Perpignan around 5 pm.

I stop in the middle of town and after a busy street when I see a sign with the nice name Blues Brothers. Here I have a cup of coffee before I continue out of town towards Narbonne.
My route to Narbonne was planned with Maps.Me but I had some problem to find the cyclepath. I do a few laps around a roundabout before I saw  that there is a small gravel road on the right side of a guardrail.

The cyclepath is narrow and with gravel. Some part there has been a stop with the work of the cycle path and it is more similar to a stonepaved path.

Few km later I found a place beside the cyclepath where I could pitch up my tent under a huge tree  with gigantic tree crowns. Next to the tent is a large field of vines and I also saw the local wine harvester on the way home.

My tentcamp outside Perpignan

Today distance 106,5 km Travel time 05:40 h.m Total time 10:56 h.m
Max speed 48,1 km/h Medium speed 11,8 km/h
Max temp 41 °C Average temp 21,0 °C Min temp 10 °C

See yeah later
//The Global Cyclist 1719