The biggest market in Pekan. Here you can find something to eat, buy some clothes,
repair your shoes and trousers, fix your hairstyle, makeup stores, and you name it!
I sleppt until 10 a.m, eat some breakfast and then packing my backpack with my shimano shoes and head to the shoemaker I found yesterday inside a large market building, Bazar Muhibbah.
At the front of the toe cap there is an incipient small opening that could collect dirt, sand and gravel and then there is a risk that the shoes will not last long.
An old man with big smile took a short look at my shoes and said….
– I´ll fix it, come back after lunch.
I walked back into the city center and drop in at a cafe, checked tomorrow’s bike route south. Before I turned back to the shoemaker I also bought bread, yoghurt and sausages in a supermarket.
When I get back to the cobbler, my shoes are ready on the counter. For his job he wants 15 ringgit (MYR), about 32-33 SEK.
While the shoes were at the shoemaker’s, the seamstress in the store next door had fixed my cycling pants. At the left leg the seam had released around the reinforcement band so now it is also fixed.
– How much for your help I asked her?
– Free for You she replied with a great smile
Rest of the day I just walk about in the city and did nothing…

Through Pekan floats Pahang River

In Malaysia they have roules where is´t OK to smoke. In this public park it´s forbidden. If you are caught
with smoking, a fine for 10 000 MYR or imprionsment for two years

Muzium Masjid Sultan Abdullah. Beautiful and huge mosque which has been renovated into a museum.
…and on my way back to my hotel I stopped at a Take Away bar for a Roti Tellur.

Roti is a type of Indian flatbread made using different flours. It is a staple food in many parts of South Asian countries.
Taste lovely
At 11 pm I thought it was time to go to bed. Fifty-six miles (90 km) on the bike tomorrow requires being a bit rested!. I put the earbuds in my ear and listen to SR.
Fell into sleep quite fast. Tomorrow a bike trip by the coastline to Kula Rompin
See Yeah Later
// P-G, The Global Cyclist