7-8 december, Pink house – El Chalten
I felt rested when I woke up shortly after 06:30. Outside the ten it was quiet, only occasional vehicles passing by, and the sun illuminated my tent. Had some breakfast – musli, yogurt, bread, and coffee. Then off shortly before 8:15. Headwind, but not much.”
Pulled over at La Lenoa, right by the river of the same name. It’s already crowded here, and the restaurant inside is almost full.
Grabbed a coffee and pulled out my computer for route updates. The sun is shining now as it can, and it’s a typical Swedish summer day.
Got some better wind a few miles later and stopped at some viewpoints. Often the subject of curious questions and photos.
At one point, some Indians wanted to try riding my ”bike.” Almost had a crash… ”How heavy it is!” he exclaimed. ’You must be strong.”

Some curious people from India want to try my bike…jisses
At next stop ”Mirrador” I am also seen with curious eyes and ears by a group of bus tourists from Italy.
Before they left, a younger woman came up with a bag of sandwiches with cheese and meat and asked if it would taste good.
I answered happily and surprised, and gave her a hug. Later I pedaling away after some miles I cought up a German young couple, 25 years old.
They had the same goal as me, El Chalten. Most cyclists I’ve met have ridden from north to south. So, this couple was the second cyclist going in the same direction as myself.
I think it has to do with how the winds blow down here.

Flat, empty landscape, and Lake Viedma.
Patagonia is so flat and empty of buildings that I wonder if the world’s population could fit here if it were as densely populated as New York.
Few minutes after 2 pm I turned left into Ruta 23. It’s a huge T-junction and close to a busstop shelter a strange monument stood nearby. At first looked like a crashed plane but it turned out to be a metal fish…. I will latwer try to find out more about this strange object and let you know

Metallic fish, or El Pez Metálico monument Ruta 40- Ruta 23
From now the forenoons nice and helpful wind turned over to headwind and the road stretches become longer and longer.The only thing that keept my mind a little bit positiv was the mountains in front of me, the majestic Fitz Roy and the blue green Lago Viedma on my left side.
You can’t stop get impressed of its beauty. Sometimes I imagine that Fitz Roy tells ”Come Closer, explore me.
After around 75 km and at the very end om Lago Viedma I say some small cozy ponds so I decided it was enough cycling for to day. The headwin has done its job and I was tired. It’s always pratical to tent beside water, you can do some cleaning and wash the dishes.

My Gourment kitchen

My campplace 45 km south El Chalten and Fitz Roy standning proudly in the background

Fitz Roy
While eating late dinner the sun is still up, the cows roaring, horses grazing on the other side of the ponds and the birds is relaxing and playing in the water and I enjoy my view.
Tomorrow flat and 45 km road to El Chalten and the first thing I gonna do and prepare is how to book ferryboat over Lago del Desierto. This tour dosen’t accept credit cards , only cash and what I’ve been told by others making bank withdrawals from ATM in El Chalten is often a problem, often run out of money
See yeah Later
//The Global Cyclist 1726