My second day on the island of Pulau Tioman is just nothing to write about, sleeps late, eats breakfast and strolls around among the few shops that are here. Tekek, the main village actually has only one street, where almost every shop, bar, restaurant and rental/tourism company is located. Tekek has also a very small airport, and a bank, but no problem to use creditcards.

Tekek mainstreet

Pulau Tioman Airport,is not large, slightly smaller than Schiphol’s complex in Amsterdam

Sunset at my corel reef beach
Tomorrow I had bought a speed boat tour, for bath and diving with snorkel.
Good Night
// P-G, The Global Cyclist
I woke up half past seven, walk some fifty meter to breakfast room for fried eggs and rice, toast butter and cheese and before I left
black coffe.
The speed boat leaves halv past nine from the marinan, 10 minutes walk from my cottage room. Marina from where all speed boats leaves
The weather is perfect, no to warm and some wind.
We are 10-11 person, most from Malaysia but also three girls from Germany. We stops at some popular beaches for snorkling and bath.

Just befor my first snorkel diving
The snorkeling equipment is provided by the tour operator. I haven´t snorkle much before so it will so it takes a little bit of practice to find the technique and rhythm in your breathing, but then a whole new world appears under the surface. Lots of colerful fishes and corals.

My first underwater photo
Some of the girls bring slices of bread that they fed the fishesd with, they acte like flies on a suguar cube. It was cool to swim in the middle of a school of fish.
Before our lunch at a popular diving-and beach bay, Salang Village we had some more stops for diving. The water is clear and there are lots of colorful fish around all the time. Feels like you are swimming in an aquarium.

A very popular beach, especially for scuba divers.
Here we stay for an hour for lunch before we head a little further north around a small island that is a bit out to sea.
This island is not allowed to go ashore as it is home to some Varanas, but we did get to see one or two wandering in a leisurely rocking walk on the small beach that existed.

Aquatic Varan. Has been regular on main island before, but now has been moved to an separate and empty island
Some years ago these varanas was quite common on main island and Tekek, they become to ”friendly” because the tourist fed them. So they decided to move them to an emty island.
Halv past three we where back at marinan and I was quite satisfied. Back to my cottageroom for a quick shower to get rid of all the salt. The late dinner a some cold beer
Tomorrow I need to get up early, the ferry boat back to mainland, Mersing departs 7 am
Good Night
// P-G, The Global Cyclist