Vietnam, Kambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia with Borneo
Leaving Cameron Highland and Tanah Rata for heading southeast
January 25
Time for me to leave this highlands for lower part of Malysia. My plan is to cycle souhteast to Pekan and then by the coastline to Johor Baharu, the border control into Singapore.
At 7,30 am I sitting ouside the hotel at the bar and eating breakfast, sausage, white beans, toasts, juice and black coffe. The weather forcast has told sun will shine during forenoon but then cloudy but no rain.
First 15 km mostly downwards and the road down to Ringlet is lined with several places that offer tea drinking, tea buying, beekeeping visits and the mountainsides covered with tea plantations.
no matter where I look, green fields of tea plantations everywhere or dense rainforest.
It´s green everywhere and surrandings are more than beautiful, it´s breathtaking! After almost an hour I heading Ringlet. Here I turn left against Sungao Koyan on road 102.
The teaplantations has been replaced with huge of flowernurseries, mountain slopes are covered with plastic-roofed greenhouses, km after km. Trucks leaving and loaded with flowers, probably for export.
The geography is still downhill, but there are many small, short uphills to fight. Late afternoon, around 4 pm I stopped outskirt center of Sungai Koyan at a small bar for evening dinner, rice, chicken, vegestable but no beer. Here is it muslim tradition to follow. When I left is was still around 30 °C in the air and very humid. Another 15 km before I pitch up my tent beside the road.
Before I sleept I pick up a halfcold beer from my foodbag, drank it and then listning at a downloaded radioprogran, ”era of the spies”
Falling into sleep very fast
Today distance | 110,4 km | Travel time | 06:08 h.m | Total time | 08:30 h.m |
Max speed | 54,4 km/h | Medium speed | 18,0 km/h | ||
Max temp | 47,0 °C | Average temp | 35.3 °C | Min temp | 21,0 °C |
See Yeah Later
//P-G, The Global Cyclist