Argentina my first country on the SouthAmerica continent and Ushuaia , southernmost town in the world.

My fourth continent…

13 November

My flight from Istanbul departs just a few minutes late, at 10:30, heading to Buenos Aires with a passenger and refueling stop in São Paulo.

It’s a long, very long journey. During the flight to São Paulo, I watch three movies, some CNN, and BBC news.

No problems until Buenos Aires.

Tail view and landing at Buenos Aires

First, I saw a man with a sign bearing my name, and he told me I needed to retrieve my luggage and check it in again tomorrow. At Arlanda, I was told not to worry about my luggage until Ushuaia. Now, I have a bad feeling about having to pay again for baggage!

The other problem is a very inefficient passport control, more than 1 hour before my turn. The officer, a young girl with purple streaks in her hair, asks me…

Where do you stay in Buenos Aires?
I told her that I think it is unnecessary as my connecting flight will leave at 06:35 the next morning.

How long will you stay in Argentina?
I explained my itinerary, and also that it’s impossible to know exactly.

She asks me to follow her into the office where three officials work in front of computers. She hands over my passport and my printed online ticket to a bearded man in shabby clothes.

After twenty minutes, he starts asking me the same questions I’ve already answered. He also wants to know my hotel in Ushuaia. I gave him the name and address, and he went back to his computer to enter some information.

After that, I got my passport and online ticket back. I took my luggage and head to the X-ray machine. I also find out where to check in tomorrow and then a place for a simple meal and rest.

Sexteen hours in the air and I’m tired
See Yeah
//The Global Cyclist1 1726

By |2024-11-06T10:06:08+00:00november 14th, 2023|Argentina, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

Seven weeks to go…can’t wait

Today, september 25, and the rain is drizzling down. Most of the time is preparing with all the bags and stuff, also packing up all my belongings and preparing to store these with my friendly neighbor who has prepared a large room for me.

I also prepare my body, legs, fitness, endurance at Studio To Be, a gym and fittness  in central  Örnsköldsvik.  +Four times a week, I sweat, groan, and find the energy to push myself even harder, thanks to my great workout buddies, but especially because of dedicated, motivating, and positive leaders.

The Joint
WOW – workout of the week, Spinning, Treadmill, Skitraning machine

The Cave
Boxing, Row machine, Skitraining maschine

The Top
Gym ands Strength Training

By |2023-09-30T12:38:13+00:00september 25th, 2023|Argentina, Europe, General, SouthAmerica, Sweden|0 Comments

My first planned route through Patagonien

After three nights at a hostel Los Cormoranes in Ushuaia I headning north.

My first 1400 km through Patagonien

For the first 1400 kilometers, I will cross the border between Argentina and Chile four times. I will leave Argentina for good once I pass Villa O’Higgins.

By |2023-10-05T16:38:55+00:00september 17th, 2023|Argentina, Europe, General, SouthAmerica, Sweden|0 Comments

Time for my second leg of my Around The Globe Cycling journey

Örnsköldsvik, Sweden
September 16 2023

My second leg of the journey around cycling starts on November 12th from Arlanda, Sweden. After two layovers, in Ankara and Buenos Aires, I will land in the southernmost city in the world, Ushuaia, in Tierra del Fuego. This flight takes two days

My flight from Arlanda Sweden to Istanbul – Buenosa Aires aand final destinatioin Ushuaia, Argentina

By |2023-09-30T12:37:51+00:00september 16th, 2023|Argentina, Europe, General, SouthAmerica, Sweden|0 Comments
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