Miskolc and couchsurfing inquiry

Has slept as well as possible despite the choice of my campsite beside the motorway and no rain.
Madness and crazy, but a fun experience in the end.

Today I’m going to cross the Slovenian border into Hungary. No checking, just passing the borderline.

Maybe a new bicycle cart worth a try

After 70 km, heavy headwinds after dull road and many sunflower fields, has forgotten how many…

Hungary is widely known for their sunflower fields – they are everywhere

…I cycled into Miskolc few minutes after 12.

The first thing I did was look for a cafe and found severals after the shopping street.
While I was sitting in the afternoon sunshine drinking my coffe and beer I send a inquiry to a couchsurfing service for a one night bed or two!

Expected no response at all but within quarter I recived an answer from a person calling himself Chris.
He was positive and told me this very night was´nt possible but next one. His real name was Ugochukwu Anigu and we decided for a short meet outside Tesco Express tomorrow afternoon.

We switched mobilephone numbers and e-mails and he also gave me a brief description of where he lived. Has never tried this kind of accommodation before, so it will be a surprise.

When I cycled into Miskolc, I saw a tourist info poster  about The Avas which is a hill of volcanic origin and also a landmark for Miskolc. This visit have to wait until tomorrow morning.

After my coffebreak I searched for a hotel and no problem to find one.
Rest of afternoon I cycled aorund the citycenter, left my bicyclefor servivce with promise it would be finished before 15 p.m next day.
Later in evening I took a walkabout for eveningmeal and few beers.

See yeah tomorrow
// P-G


By |2023-09-25T19:47:33+00:00maj 4th, 2017|Europe, General, Slovakia|0 Comments

Spring comes closer, jetted bathtube, fatal calender blunder and ferry to Gdynia

Almost mid April and clear signs of spring are visible but summer still far away.

Cycling on small dirt roads between villages , which I thought was not on the map, but people lives here in the middle of the wilderness.

In Nässjö, I made a short stop for a toilet visit at a ”Resecentrum” then on the saddle again heading Vetlanda, Astrid Lindgrens dear hometown.

The weather still chilly and the dun gloveds are needed. In Nottebäck I turned into a smal road after a sign to a bathing place. Worth to check up, could be a nice place to camp.

Few cabins, a bathing jetty and some small trees close to the lake was a prefect place to camp at.

The last few hours the weather has become more chilly and soon rain is coming.

Campnight at Lake Madkroken, chilly, windy and drizzel

The lake , Madkroken is in rebellion, the waves bump into the beach edge and it´s very chilly so I make my self hefty campfire to warm me up while I’m eating

While drinking coffe and sips a small glass of whiskey it´s start to drizzle. Before I crawl into my down sleeping bag I pulls over my Surley Long Haul Trucker with a bicycle cover.

I woke up early, thoroughly rested and the cold is noticeable, snow in the air. Before I left I tried to eat some breakfast but it was to cold to make a real one. It will be to stop by the road at some suitable tavern.

Mostly of the trip to Smedby was quite easy despite some headwinds

A few stops after the road for coffe and sandwiches I arrived to Smedby which is located 5-6 km from Kalmar just after three o’clock p.m.

Feel like home, have lived, worked and walked with my dogs here for 14 years, and good warm feelings creep in the body.

Looking up Raab’s road 25 and soon I saw a 185 cm long, unshaved Magnus with his big welcome smile and I’m get happy.

Nine years ago since last time here and that time I would ride to Paris, ”Yippee ki-yay”

Lena comes down as happy and charming as I will ever remember her. Their children is not home Yet, they practising tennis and violin.

We had a very nice evening with waffles, church visits, Mexican dinner, late TV, Notting Hill, ice cream and liqueur.

But I’ll never forget the bath in the jetted bathtub, it was heavenly nice.

 Warm jetted bath worth waiting for

Had been able to stay in the bathtub for several hours without any problems. They have prepered Aaron’s bedroom for me, Aaron himself sleeping with his sister Lisa.It´s is easter and Good friday morning and after a huge breakfast I took farewell and my plans was to visit some other friends , Joy & Tommy, but I had mixed up the weeks wrong.

My dear friends in Smedby

Joy and Tommy had visitors from north of Sweden so I turned opposite direction and pedaling heading the harbor of Värkö and the ferry to Polen instead.

From Kalmar to the Polen ferry at Verkö, Karlshamn is about 90 km, no problems to managed it on one day.

The weather was nice and not so chilly, traffic almost gone, belive that the motorists had switch the car for the broom to Blockula instead.

Half past 4 p.m I cycled into the ferry terminal to Poland. Now is my Sweden journey finished for this time.
Next time on Swedish soil will be sometime early autumn 2019

I bought my ferry ticket and a bed in a double room and got told the ferry leaves 21:00 and arriving Gdynia 09:45.

While the dark is setting down over Verkö bay I steer up my bicycle the angway.Polen and Gdynia next

Now I leave Sweden for a while

By By Sweden and Hello Polen
See Yeah from Polen

By |2023-09-25T19:54:56+00:00april 21st, 2017|Europe, Sweden|0 Comments

More headwinds and forest paths to Tidaholm

April 11

The night was chilly, breakfast and then off to Skovde, stopping at the Max restaurant and drink coffee.

Just outside the town a road signpost informs me that my planned route to the road 26 does not permit cyclists so I re-route my Garmin GPS computer to find a another road .

Take left towards Paradissjön and then on the narrow, sometimes closed gravel roads, some of them are only forest roads.

This road was closed but not stoped me

Navigate carefully amongs branches, twigs, pine cones and holes, timber piles are common.

Forest road with no traffic, just me, the bike and the rustling forest.

While I was cycling in a relaxed speed, I listen to Lotta Bromé and interview with P-G Gyllenhammar, former CEO of Volvo cars and during interjuven it emerges that at 81 years of age he had just had a baby!!!

Finally I reached Tidaholm and my normal route took over…

After Tidaholm I arriving Habo and from here to Jönkoping through tough slopes in Bankeryd  I cycled on wonderful bike paths.

It’s obvious that I’ve got far south. The spring has progressed further down here then home, and blomming anemones and the coltsfoot grows in the ditch edges.

Soon after 19 pm I cycling into the southermost town of Lake Vättern, Jönköping.

I get immediate positive memories from my time as a student in this city in the late 80’s and early 90´s

Continuing through town without stopping and looking up a suitable place to camp.

I found a nice place in a birch grove by the side of a small road. I pitch up the tent first and then I managed to create evening dinner in front of a fire.
I fall asleep within minutes.

Tomrrow I have planned my bicycle route by narrow, gravel roads and almost car free roads to Tennhult and then to Astrid Lindgrens Vetlanda


By |2023-09-25T19:55:25+00:00april 18th, 2017|Europe, Sweden|0 Comments

Headwind, The Göta Canal and and friends with flu


Leaving Karlstad whith a little sad moment, but necessary. The weather was Ok , just a little rain. After a while the wind changed to crosswind which meant that my average speed fell dramatically.


Göta Canal locks at Sjötorp

About 22 km north of Marierstad at Sjötorp I crossed one of many locks of Göta Canal. Before I continued towards Mariestad I called Hakan and Birgitta and says…

 – I’m on my way.

Finds out that they are significantly affected by flu and decides that there will be no overnight with them.

The last 22 km went into headwinds character, it was really tough, but after an hour and a half I was in front of Hakan & Birgittas villa

We chatted about past events and Hakan showed his wine project, drank coffee and sandwiches before I headed towards Skövde.

It was really fun to meet them after so long time and we said goodbye with hugs!!!

Just 7-8 km south Mariestad, Käckestad I did camp for the night. I found a place few hundred meters from the road in a forest clearing.

Tomorrow Jönköping


By |2021-10-04T17:58:20+00:00april 17th, 2017|Europe, Sweden|0 Comments

In Karlstad the sun is always shining


I had four nights in Karlstad, every one of those was special. Together we explored Karlstad by cycle, eating Vietnam food, visited a nature area where we stopped for coffee and cookies. Drank wine and whiskey and just had a good time.

We also did a car drive to Hammarö and the very south of it ,in blown.

My days in the City Of Sun has charged my batteries both physically and mentally, I will definitely return here.

I Love Karlstad

Next day, monday I head for Mariestad and and another friend of mine. Håkan and Birgitta.I leave Karlstad for this time and bicycles towards Mariestad, about 130 km south.

By |2021-10-04T17:41:40+00:00april 16th, 2017|Europe, Sweden|0 Comments

My first goal, Karlstad is reached

Everything worked as it should, except that I lost the kickstand to my bicycle (Bike Stand).

I have tried to choose roads with little traffic for three reasons, safety, surroundings and silence.
If You have time leave,  the mainroads and look for roads through countryside. Lots of small village with curious people and nice environments to fix your gaze at.

Best road so far is between Edsbyn and down to Furudal. The road that meanders slowly besides the river Voxnan.
This part must also be a heaven for horses and horse owners, these four-legged beautiful animals were everywhere.

Four nights in tents and summer is still far away but my Marmot sleepingbag is worth the cost.

Stayed one night at my sister’s son in Arbrå for shower and carbohydrate food, spaghetti and sauce bolognaise before I pedaling away over the mountain and beside Galvlake to Alfta on wet, soft and groove gravel roads.

Lake Galvsjön halfway between Arbrå and Alfta

The rest of the roads to my firts goal Karlstad only asphalt.

In DalaJärna when I Just finised my coffe,  the female owner asked if I want to have four sandwiches for free and of course I sad Yes and gave her a hug.

35 km futher and 22 km southwest from Vansbro I hit camp in middle of nowhere.

Next day will be a long one on bicycle, because I have planned to reach Karlstad which I also did with lots of headwind and steep hills after Flipstad.

It is still hard to believe I’m now on a solo cycling around the world but I get euphoric feelings in order to be alone, free and independent.

I entered Karlstad early afternoon and cycling around the city for a few hours before i called Marita!

Meeting Marita was very pleasant moment, she was alike, glad and charming, just a little bit older.

Panorama view from apartment

My plans is to stay at her apartment for two or three nights and her condominium located down at the river (Klarälven), and then continue towards Mariestad.See Yeah

By |2021-10-04T17:41:16+00:00april 7th, 2017|Europe, Sweden|0 Comments

Take Of day

Saturday morning, I woke up well rested and the first thing I did was … how is the weather?

Cloudy and raining with elements of snow, it is reality and You must like it.

Ten a clock from Resecentrum I will start pedaling south and I´ve been told that the local newspaper will be there and also some of my friend to say goodbye and good luck and my feelings they are… Feels Unreal But Exciting.

The short cycle trip from Kenths apartment was unsure, 2 cm of wet snow made the trip risky and in my mind there was only no crash.

Down at the Travel Center waited my colleagues, acquaintances, friends and some lovley F&S friends, far more I expected and it made me happy.

A special friend was also there, my beloved Jussi, an Irish Setter
I will miss you

May 1 2017 I started my journey

Small talks, hugs and some photos then take off.

Peter From the local newspaper follow me the first 10 km for more photos and a last intervju.

Nearly three years I will be one with my bike, it feels unreal but inspiring. Have to pinch my skin to be sure – It’s true.

Everything did well to my first night in tent just outside Härnösand.

Outside Härnösand I pitch up my tent close to a small creek

The only problem was – the ground was frozen and the tent pegs was hard push down, but everything can be solved.

Tomorrow, first Sundsvall then coast road to Norrfjärden where two of my dear friends and workingmates will meet up.

By |2023-09-25T18:40:52+00:00april 1st, 2017|Europe, Sweden|0 Comments

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