my comments and posts from my cycling trip through Europe

Short day on sadle to Pualu Pinang and George Town

At 8 oclock I sit down at the breakfast table and eat my fill.

There are even prince sausages and white beans, coffee and small cakes. At 10 oclock I start walking the 1.6 km that it is to Option Cyclist and arrive a few minutes before half past eleven.

My bike is ready, but he points out that the front tire is very worn, which is not so strange considering that it will soon have rolled 10,000 km. I ask him to change and he says that unfortunately I can not get the same quality as I had, Continental tires.

I am aware of that, but still ask him to make the switch. Half an hour later, everything is fixed, new front tire, new spokes, adjustment of rear wheels and brakes at a cost of 80 RM Ringgit Malaysia or Malaysian dollar pretty much exactly 175 SEK.

It is about 35 km to Butterworth and another few km through town to the ferry terminal over to the island of Penag and Geroge Town.

A few km outside Sungai Petani I see a large crows castle which I think is a Buddhist or Chinese temple and I make a Uturn and cycle into small workshop buildings and a car dealership before I see a portal in front of the temple.


Quite impressive temple buildning and the interior was also

Free entry and I park the bike outside the entrance. Inside the temple, colorful figures are set up on a podium with a table in front of it,
and on this are a number of mortars.
Find out it is a chinese taoistiskt temple.

another podium, surrounded by carved ornaments and colorful curtains, there is an even larger table on which there are some small animallike figures with sticks and also bowls of fruits and rice. What makes me react is that among these I can count fifteen bottles of unopened Guinness beer.

The temple is decorated with bowls, animal figurines, and other colorful items. Not a square centimeter is empty.

Interior view. both beautiful and scary at same time

The visit lasts about half an hour before I turn south towards my next destination! The rest of the way to Butteworth goes quite smoothly despite the heavy traffic.

My cycling to Butterworth wasn’t something I will remember. Busy traffic, industrial areas, suburbs, quite boring cycling but the road was good.
I arrived at Butterworh just after one oclock. Before I enter ferry terminal I stoped for quick coffee break some km away. No problems to find the ferry, signs every 500 meters easily guided me to the terminal

1.40 Ringgit costs the ticket over and it takes just under half an hour and the ferry is completely full. It was crowded on the vehicle deck but I was able to fit the bike against some large poles.

It was crowdy onboard

As soon as I left the ferry, I turned right after the main thoroughfare and then followed where everyone else seemed to be heading. After a few hundred meters along narrow, cramped streets, I ended up in front of an Indian restaurant and ordered a late lunch.Traces of China and India are strikingly evident: many signs feature Chinese characters, and you also see many George Town residents with Indian features.While eating, I searched for a cheap hostel and found one just a few steps away from where I was sitting. It was called Tonight Hostel. The room cost 30 Ringgit, and they even offered coffee and sandwiches in the morning. I got a family room all to myself.I was allowed to park my bike in a small room between the entrance, the reception, and the stairs leading up. I only brought the essentials with me and quickly headed to the shared shower.

Today distance 45,0 km Travel time 03:44 h.m Total time 06:00 h.m
Max speed 39,1 km/h Medium speed 14,9 km/h
Max temp 38 °C Average temp 34,1 °C Min temp 25 °C

By |2024-11-28T12:20:10+00:00november 30th, 2018|General, Malaysia, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments

A nice downpour of rain and a serious bike repairer in Sungai Petani

Have slept unevenly for several reasons, first the heat and then that the air in the mattress was not enough. Maybe there is a small hole somewhere, will check that up later
Outside everything seems calm and only the occasional motorcycle sound I hear so I fall asleep again pretty quickly.

When I finally decide to get up, the sun is at its best preparing for todays activity but its still like me a little tired in the morning. The air outside is lukewarm and no brown-white racals is visible.

It will be sunny even today

Few minutes after 8am some workers come and visit, they don’t talk much, just want to know which direction I had choose. I cycle back same way and the small bridge over the canal. At next junction I turn right against Alor Setar.
A quick stop at a bar for coffee and map review. Just outside the village a sign for Butterworth tells me to turn right.

This is a huge agricultural area, its green all over.

Large rice fields succeed each other but also planting oil palms. Banana trees everywhere, 13 out of the dozen.  The heat rises, so does the humidity , some short stops.

There will be a few stops along the way to shop and look for shade. At 2 pm I cycle through a small community, the Guru, and have no plans to stop right here but at the outskirts of the community I saw a sign advertising Guinness and then it comes to a complete stop.

Old vs Modern bicycles

Can they really have Irish beer, I have to check. Its a Chinese restaurant or fast food place and I get hungry when I saw the rice bowls and chickens hanging upside down at the chefs house.

Rice, chicken and a anchor beer. They couldn’t serve my guinness

I order a portion and ask about the advertising sign above the bar. They dont have any Guiness but Tiger beer and that will have to do. Eat with a good appetite and the throat gets its from the cold beer.

After three quarters of an hour its off and I already feel more alert, if its because of the food or the beer I dont know. Just short after 5 pm I enter Sungai Petani which seem to be a fairly large city because the traffic intense.

When I now cycle through the city, I tried as much as possible to visually look for a serious bike dealer but see no one and a search
in Maps.Me gives no tips either.

At one of the traffic lights, a car signals for me and points to my rear wheel and then he turns in front of me and steps out and says..

 – Your rear wheel wobbles
 – Yes, I know, but I could not find a bicycle workshop , a serious one.
 – Follow me, I know where You can find what you are looking for he said

and then he jumps in the car and drives around the block and up towards a residential area that seems to belong to the slightly wealthier part of Sungai Petani.

Just what I’m looking for

A sign in front of a gate with the text Option Bicycle and some nice road racers bikes in the window makes my pulse beat faster. The man in the car walks in and a younger guy comes towards me and he says something about my rear wheel.

The mechanic waves me and the bike into the store which is a nice sight to see. Well sorted, tidy, Shimano stuff etc.

The workshop that is located inside has everything that a workshop should have and also seems to have the stuff in order. Stylish, expensive and carbon fiber racing bikes stand on the floor and hang from the ceiling.

Bicycle workshop mechanic assemblying my rear wheel

promises to fix my rear wheel but has to remove the rear cassette and it takes some time. I realize that its probably pitch black when hes done, so Im doing research with the guy in the car for a cheap and close hotel.

He checks his mobile phone and gives me a suggestion of Merilton hotel just 1.6 km from here.

I told the mechanic that I could pick up the bike tomorrow. It’s already too dark to continue and that he also looks over my brakes which have been getting worse and more worse the past few days.

Building Photo

Merliton Hotel 3***

The hotel is a threestar hotel and breakfast is included. Room two hundred eight with flat screen TV, shower in the toilet and AC. I have the essentials cloth with me but forgot the adapter for the electrical outlets.

There is not much visual difference between Thailand and Malaysia wall sockets  but the distances between the wall sockets hole are wider here in Malaysia which is why my connectors pin do not fit. At the reception they dont have any either, and I need some charging.

What do you do then. Im not going back. On the small table next to the wall TV there is a kettle and if you lift the kettle itself there is the socket that provides power.

You have to fiddle a little with the middle slot, and I do that using a cap from a Coca-Cola can. I’ve already drunk the contents!😊😌

Now I can take my adapter, insert the wide pins into the other small slots, and voilà, I have a charger.

”Where there’s a will, There’s a way”

Tomorrow I get to sleep in because the bike workshop doesnt open until half past eleven, but on the other hand its only about 40 km to Butterworth and the ferry boat over to Pulau Pinang and George Town


Today distance 90,5 km Travel time 05:33 Total time 09:34
Max speed 39,1 km/h Medium speed 16.8 km/h
Max temp 38,0 °C Average temp 33,3 °C Min temp 25, 0 °C

See Yeah Tomorrow
from a bike with new spokes and adjusted rear wheel, Yippee KiYay

 // PG The Global Cyclist

By |2024-12-03T22:25:10+00:00november 29th, 2018|General, Malaysia, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments

Heading southwest on narrow roads and snakevisit

My visit to Kampung Aman or UniCiti Alam was not one of my favorite memories, quite boring. Now my plan or route is southwest towards the coast and on to Butterworth and the island of Pulau Pinang.

I also need to fix my rear wheel, lost three spokes. My hope is to find a bicycle workshop in Sungai Petani.

I cycle through small villages, along smaller roads, sometimes so narrow that it becomes crowded to meet cars.

Tight and narrow road

People living here make their livelihood from agriculture and plantations. In villages near waterways or ponds, fishing is practiced for both personal consumption and sale. Handicrafts, homestays, tourism, cafés, and small shops are also common sources of income.people who live and live here get their livelihood from agriculture and plantations, in villages near waterways or ponds, fishing is practiced for both personal consumption and sale, hadycrafts, homestays , tourism, cafes, small shops.

Dried fish for sale

In Kampung Simpang I stopped for coffee and sandwich at a crowded bar. Then I cycled back but on the other side of the canal to the sea.

Down here it’s lots of fishponds and small fishing boats lies beside the small piers.

Small local fishing boats beside the piers


This is one of several canals from Sungai Besar

Next to another canal near some pumping station I found a place to pitch my tent.

Dusk comes pretty quickly so I ate my supper with the headlamp on.

The thunder god TOR can be heard throughout the evening and he also sends out his lightning bolts

While listening to some downloaded program, I remember I left my GPS on my bike. It is completely dark outside and when I crawl out through the tent opening with the light from the headlamp I see something crawling around the tent. I turn towards and see that it is a snake about 1 meter long that is wriggling.
Stands up and now see that the snake is crawling up towards the tent and the opening… says something like it should not enter the tent.

The snake coils away towards a small wall and I follow with the headlamp and see it snake into the bushes. I myself crawl into the tent quickly and make sure all the zippers are closed. Don’t want unexpected visitors.

Can’t remember if I brought the GPS with me!

Today distance 81,2 km Travel time 04:59 Total time 07:32
Max speed 43,5 km/h Medium speed 16.4 km/h
Max temp 40,0 °C Average temp 36,5 °C Min temp 30, 0 °C

See Yeah Later
// P-G The Global Cyclist


By |2024-12-03T22:25:33+00:00november 29th, 2018|General, Malaysia, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments

Malaysia, my seventh country on this part of journey

From Thailand I crossed the border into Malaysia via the Wang Prachan border post. No problem at all. Only few minutes and two copies of my index fingers,which is very important, but that was all.

Thailand into Malaysian at Wang Prachan

While I was checking my a middle age couple show up and asked some curious questions. We had some friedly chat and they gave me some suggestions of bed and breakfast, here i Malaysia they are called ”Homestay”
Just five or six km from her on your left side they said

Jumped up on my bike and pedaling away south. The weather has been much better, quite nice and the sun’s rays do not yet reach the tall trees that surround the road

A typical village in this area

After four km I see a black Honda Van and the driver waving me to stop. It´s the same copuple from border post and he said…
– ”Homestay” cloesed, but we help you to find another one , just 12 km from here.

Look for our car, we will wait for you.

Jumped on my bicycle again,  but now it has started to get dark so I speed up a little. After a few km I reached a mountain pass to fight against, and it was quite tough, 14-16 % as steepiest.

It was steep cycling up and through the mountain pass but very beautiful.

After 3 km I was on the top and I stopped at a view point. A wonderful and a scenic view over the valley gave me some extra power… WOW!

a scenic view to to the valley, Wang Kelian View Point

Then the mountain slopes down toward the valley, but now it began to drizzle — not good.

At a T-junction I saw the black Honda Van again. They told me to take left at nex junction and then cycle few km flat and straigt into Kampung Aman.

– On the right side there is a quite new hotel complax.

Last km they guided me and also helped me to check in because the receptionist or hotelowner does´nt speak any english at all

I do belive they were friends with the hotelowner.

Family who helped me to find a nice hotel in Kampung Aman or UniCiti Alam

The hotel is called LS Village hotel and only three month old, I´m also the first forigner to book a room here.

Booked two nights here

Unfortunately no ATM machine available nearby and hotel couldn’t handle my dollar $.

My helping family offers to drive me to nearest ATM machine which is a few miles away, Padang Besar, so I could withdraw Malaysian cash, Ringgit, MYR. 🫶👍
The exchange rate was today 100 MYR 231,60 SEK or 22,47 €

Today distance 95,9 km Travel time 05:43 h.m Total time 11:22 h.m
Max speed 46,2 km/h Medium speed 16,8 km/h
Max temp 38,4 °C Average temp 32.5 °C Min temp 26,0 °C

See Yeah Later
// P-G The Global Cyclist 1719

By |2024-12-03T22:25:51+00:00november 25th, 2018|General, Malaysia, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments

Flight to Tashkent

7 August

Yippee Ki Yay, I been waiting for this day since august 2. Of Course I’ve seen a lot in Baku and it was worth to be rememered but my hotel or hostel visit dosen’t.
My flight to Uzbekistan depart 12.15 p.m first for a stopover in Almaty, Kazakhstan where I need to find somewhere to stay one night.

Wrapping my bicycle in plastic at Baku Airport

My connection flight to Tashkent  departs day after. The flight did well and also to find a cheap room.

Almaty Airport in evening light

Just outside the entrance to the airport a tall woman, perhaps 175 cm in height, handed me her business card and said they have a small hotel with good WiFi just a four-minute walk from here.

Initially hesitant, but the woman seemed trustworthy, and I accepted. I did’nt need to worry about my luggage and bike, this had already been taken care of at Baku Airport.

Four, maybe five minutes later, we reach the hotel, which looks more lika a single storey house and nestled in a residential area with lots of greenery.

Nice double room, with large TV, working WiFi, waterboiler and microwave own, clean, cheap and just a few minutes walking to Airport.  On Eurosport they send cycling. Shower and bathroom close at the corridor. Also search for E-VISA to Tajikistan. Easy and quick to get access to the country. Got some probs with the connection while I was typing. Tomorrow I will finished it. 

After changing clothes time to look for a dinner restaurant. 15 minutes walk I found a resturant and it seems to be popular, lots of guests inside.
On my way back to hotel withdraw some cash from a ATM

Tomorrow flight to Tasjkent and Uzbekistan

See yeah
//The Global Cyclist 1719

Split routes and heading for Galuga

July 23

After Badab Soorts Spring Water, we had a challenging bike ride on narrow gravel roads with a lot of uphill. Moreover, the heat was intense, but the surroundings were magificent and beautiful.

Small, narrow gravelroads from Badab Soort

We passed through some small villages before we had a long downhill ride where my maximum speed reached almost 76 km/h.

Then, shortly after Dibaj, we set up camp for the night at 2300 meters above sea level and slept under the open sky for the third consecutive night.

The next day, we decided to take different routes. I opted for an easier and more southern route, while Lars chose a tougher and more northern one.

View over green valley from Niala

Cycling from the valley up to Nyala was a significant challenge, nearly 10 km and the heat was awful.

But nothing lasts forever; everything has an end, including this climb. I see a large sign with the text ”Red Crescent Society of Iran,” the Red Cross. I knock on the door and ask for the use of their restroom, which they kindly grant.

I take off my shoes outside the entrance and place them on a shoe rack. Then, I’m invited into their lounge, and they offer me tea. They know a little English, and we manage to communicate a bit.

Despite the language barrier, they are really friendly and are dressed in sharp red uniforms.

Of course, we have to take ”selfies” before I continue my bike ride.

My self and Red Crescent employee

From here down to the Caspian Sea, Gorgan strait and Galugha was downwards, nearly 13 miles or 20 km. Beautiful and scenic road and throug a nationalpark, Tooska Cheshme Forest. I also notice that one or two spokes where broken. I calculate to find a bicycle workshop in Galuga.

See Yeah Later
//The Global Cyclist 1719

By |2023-10-19T07:38:10+00:00juli 24th, 2017|General, Iran|0 Comments

Galugha and invitetion to private home

July 23

First I did when I reached Galugha was looking for a bicycle workshop. A youngster helped me to finde one. While waiting I crossed the street  stepped into a patisserie for coffe and sweet cookies, and i did’nt need to pay 🫶👍💝. I wonder if this would be possible in Sweden?, not likely

I went back then for fetching my bicycle and they seems to made a good job. Then out of Galugah towards Gorhan.

On the main road leading to Kord Kuy, I get overtaken by a guy on a motorcycle with a young girl on the back. He points to the right and shouts…

 – Come along, follow me.

Father and his doughter Yeganeh and their house outside Galugah

We turn off the road onto a small path between two fields and stop at a small square stone house with an upstairs made of branches, planks, sticks, and a metal roof.

The stairs up are a homemade ladder.
A big carpet is on a wooden floor, and on one long side, there’s a homemade shelf where they store china and such.

The girl sits across from me, smiling so beautifully that it brings tears to your eyes.

Yeganeh offer me homemade bread

The man, who is her father and is in his mid-thirties, brings out a plate of bread, tomatoes, and cream cheese and asks me to eat.

If the house is of simple quality, their hearts and generosity are all the better and greater.

Before I leave, he gives me tomatoes from his own garden and a watermelon.

Once again, I have been shown that Iranians are something special, truly unique.💓💓

After this unexpected invitation and kindness from Yeganeh and her father, it was time to find a camping or tent spot. Which would turn out to be a little bit more problematic than I had anticipated.

Continuing towards Kord Kuy, but many small communities follow one another, and the darkness makes it difficult for me to find a good camping spot.

Around 9 PM, I tooke a chance and turned onto a narrow road leading to a university and find a spot between the road and a field with a large green area urrounded by trees and bushes, where I set up my tent in the shelter of some low trees.

After pitch up my tent and arranging my sleeping area, a guard from the university across the road approaches and indicates with his body language that I can’t camp there.

I tell a white lie, saying that I had to change my camping spot due to roaming dogs. At the same time, he looks at my leg and sees the bandage and my injured elbow.

He walks away, and then a chain of events unfolds like a carousel, which I hadn’t anticipated.

A few uniformed guards show up, leading to more discussion before I’m allowed to settle into my sleeping bag. I’ve just fallen asleep when I hear new voices, and I open the tent flap to find three paramedics in white attire with protective gloves, mentioning something about an emergency.

No, no, I’m okay.

I have medical treatment and antibiotics.

After more discussions, they leave, but soon, the police arrive, saying that I should come with them to the police station and sleep there.

They claim the area is dangerous, and I could be killed. I deny their request, and when they won’t even let me take down my tent, I’m about to fall apart. Of course, they check my passport and VISA.
A little later, another group, apparently from the city’s government office, shows up. In total, about ten people gather around me, all talking over each other, and some of them shining several times a bright flashlights right into my face.

Finally, I’m allowed to stay, and it’s 12:30 AM.

Phew, what an ordeal.

I fall asleep like a log and feel mentally and physically exhausted.

Distance: 101,23 km
Average speed: 16,4 km/h
Max Speed: 73,8 km/h
Lowest Altitude: – 11 m m.a.s.l
Highest Altitude: 2435 m.a.s.l

See Yeah 
// The Global Cyclist 1719



By |2023-10-19T16:08:29+00:00juni 25th, 2017|General, Iran|0 Comments

Long time since last blogg

When You reading this blogg  I’ve left Hungary for Romania and a new chapter in my cycling calender will be  started. I’ll never been i Romania with my bicycle Before,  so for me it’s exciting.

The first town I get into is Oradea and when I did that I realeased I been on my global journey now for one month and I still enjoy it.

Oradea Square, big, magnific and Clean. If You never visit Oradea make it tru. Because this town is an attration

My experience of Romania is that the people here are more friendly to those like me.

They are curious, questionable and helpful, but their language skills in English could be better.

Romania is also more hilly than Hungary, lots of slopes every day but it’s worth it.

My next stop for relaxing will be in the capitiol of Romania Bukarest were I also have planned a vistit at Swedish ambasey.I need a Swedish flag because I forgot to bring it with me Before I left Sweden.

Horses just before their work for today.This view is everyday for many in the Romanian l countryside. Everyone can not afford tractors

Romaina is beautiful, hilly and excating, Everything else is not true

Soon they may be three or more in the family. Too bad that our farm in Sweden does not provide space for these beautiful birds.

They were beeging for money and food and I feelt so sad about it, but they were glad and effervescent.

What can we do about it

Before Bukarest I took a trip to Bran a the castle were the myth of Dracula began. All stories about

Dracula is fairy tales but nevertheless exciting story.

Dracula myth began at this castel

Torture room , still going strong…? (pic)

Most of the stories about Dracula is fairy tales, but of course You must visit it.

I stayed in Bran and around the castle most of the day and I did not left Bran until 4.30 P.M

Curious, oblivious and very cute girl in Bran (pic)

Curious, oblivious and very cute girl in Bran. The father seem to be very proud over his doughter

The first two km out from Bran was easy but then a very steep and long climbing started

After 11 km uphill I stoped for water and just admire the view some was something very special

I love cows (pic)

Next stop in Bukarest at a hostel don´t worth the name. Bad service, loudly and dirty but cheep.

I found the Swedish embassy after 8 km Walking. Even though I arrived after closing time (open only  10-12) I get entered to embassy by a beautiful, dark-haired, nice Romanian woman who search up a Swedish flag among the belongings in the basement and handed it over to me.

Now I’m Swedish for real (pic)

Outside of my hostel window, there was a party and it’s bothered me all nights. That’s the price I have to pay if  I  choose a hostel like this

Two days in Bukaret is enough for me and then 150 km to the Bulgarien border. Quite easy ride, tailwind and fine weather.

Giurgiu is the Is a Romanian city on one side of the Danube which constitutes the border. and on oposite side is Ruse located

Some km frpm croosing Donau into Bulgaria ( pic)

Me, and the ladystaty at the entrance  to Giurgiu (pic)

Stalin build this bridge 1954 ( maybe not himself , but probably a number of underpaid workers) (pic)

Exactyl in the middle of the bridge between Romania and Bulgaria (pic)

Soon my sixth country whitin 6 weeks and Bulgaria will also be an experience for me.

See Yah from Bulgaria

maj 26th, 2017|Europe, Journey Blog|0 Comments

Read More

By |2023-09-25T19:40:39+00:00maj 26th, 2017|Europe, General, Romania|0 Comments

High Mass day in Făgăraş and a snail picker

May 7


Outside Arpasu de Jos I had found a quiet place to pitch my tent

The First I met next morning was a local man with a bucket filled with snails, maybe for selling them to the fancy restaurant in Bukarest, who knows ?

Did not say much, probably because he could´t speak english

It doesn’t look tasty… but at the fancy restaurant maybe

The weather is cloudy but warm and I have good hopes that the gray blanket of the sky wants to crack and become a little more sunny

My first stop this Sunday was in Făgăraş, lots of traffic and people time off from work everywhere in town. After the mainroad a café become my break. Coffe and navigation planning  and cross the street a magnificent  church or cathedral Outside people dressed up steps into the church for high mass.

In Romania Orthodox cathedrals is common and and they are majestic where they are standing, inside as well

After my coffee break I did those people company, visit the hig mass.

Well attended High Mass in Făgăraş 

I have never seen and experienced Romania from a bicycle saddle before but it has been very positive.
Romania is up and down, valleys, mountains, nice rural areas and cozy small villages and so far I´m  very pleased what I´ve seen.The time has past 3 p.m and now heading Codlea where I´m planning to stop for food shopping, I’ve run out of coffee and bread.

Last 20 km after a small narrow road to Zărneşti and then an even narrower and much more crooked road towards Tohanu Nou… but very beautiful.

Zărnești filed and soon for camp and only 7 km to Bran

Big green fields, majestic mountains in background and the sun is shining. Few km from Tohanu Nou on a small hill with some grazed sheep, an elderly shepherd and his dog become my tentplace for tonight.

Tomorrow not more then 7 km to the castle Bran… and count Dracula

See Yeah
// P-G



By |2023-09-25T19:41:24+00:00maj 14th, 2017|Europe, Romania|0 Comments

Easy cycling and curious gypsies

May 5
I left hotel Deva early forenoon heading my next major goal, Bran Castle and count Draculas domicile. has calulated around 275 km cycling and 600 altitude meters which mean that around 10 am, may 8 should I be there .

The first daycycling was quite easy, flat and long straight distances through agricultural areas and small cozy rural villages.

Gelmar, one of many small rural villages

In Sebes I stoped for coffe and some navigation search then further east. Just I left town it
began to drizzle and then more heavy rain and I was needed to change to rainwear.

When I passed a parking pocket by the road I stayed for more navigation check. I became immediately but kindly surrounded by a group of gypsies and their children.
They were curious about me but mostley at my bicycle and the GPS on the handlebar and I felt a single second of inattention and my GPS would be gone.

They also begged for money

When I stopped, I was immediately surrounded by curious children… and adults too!

In Romania, the Roma are very vulnerable, a majority live in poverty and the discrimination
against them is obvious… despite the fact that we have reached the end of the 2010s… deplorable!

An hour later I steered my bicycle off road and pitch up my tent in a field and protected by some bushes.
The rain has stopped, thanks for that

See Yeah later
// P-G

By |2023-09-25T19:43:26+00:00maj 13th, 2017|Europe, Romania|0 Comments
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