Easy cycling to PernesLes Fontaines, but then I had to admit defeat

June 12
The flat roads I had previous days is now histori.  Now the climbs begin and the weather still hot .Some shorts break for water refilling and picking cherries .Lot of crops with those berries after the road.

Later in afternoon I arrived to Villes sur Auzon, a small villages but iut seems to be empty, maybe alla inside for dinner. On my way out I stoped when I saw a water pump by the road.


Cooling down my self in Villes sur Auzon

Real nice and and very necessary. From now upwards,  11 km has my GPS calculated with to my tentplace.

Before I got there some friendly Frenchmen stopped me and offered me some bottles of beer, and I didn’t deny them.

After this nice meeting and break I was ready for may last struggle this afternoon.  At the top this climbing an old church with perfect green spot close to beome my tentplace… Notre Dame de la Consolation was the name of this church. Tomorrow more climbing up to Sault and then I’ve planned to reach  Châteauneuf-de-Chabre!

By |2023-10-16T13:05:19+00:00juni 13th, 2019|Europe, France|0 Comments

Canal du Mid to Agde, Montpellier and heading north

From Beziers I follow the Canal du Midi and it was a nice surprise. The Canal also named as  Canal de las Doas Mars, meaning a canal of the two seas, is a 240 km (150 mi) long canal in Southern France

Locks at Bezier

Ther canal is quite old, around mid or 1780.After the canal lie lots of small boats by the river bank, some of them for tourists but also home for others.

Lots of boats lies by the riverbank

French tourist and bicycle authorities have really done a really good job which continued to maintain the canal and also provide the canalroute with a
cycle path 🫶💓👍

This Canal has sections, parts so beautiful so I had to stop, just breading the atmosphere…

The cyclepath is mostly packed with gravel either or paved, but some parts are very tight and on some short lines it growing back…

By |2023-10-16T12:56:57+00:00juni 10th, 2019|Europe, France, General|0 Comments

Switchbacks and lovely bicycle ride to Perpignan and dogbite in Narbonne

June 7

I slept well despite a cold night. Outside half clody but I suppose the clouds will disperse in a few hours once the sun had a chance to work a bit. To Mont Louise isn’t far, just 45 minutes cycling and I will stop there for a breakfast

Switchbacks from Mount-Louise

I’m glad it downwards ad not the opposit because it’s not going to be flat before I arrives Canaveilles 20 km down. The chilly and cloudy weather has turn into luke warm and sunny.
The ride to Villefranche-de-Conflent was easy as expected. I turned into the town throug a huge and old stone gate. Still to early for most of the tourist.
I bought a beer at a small but exclusively decorated bar and sat down outside.

Stoped in Villefranche-de-Conflent for a cold beer

While I sip my cold beer with reverence, the sparsely populated streets become increasingly filled with tourists. It seems that Villefranche-de-Conflent is a popular village to visit, which also google informed me with…One of the most beautiful villages of France and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but everything here is expensive, also my beer!

Rest of my cycling to Perpignan was both easy and warm and my legs was still fresch .

See yeah later
//The Global Cyclist 1719

By |2023-10-17T06:36:43+00:00juni 8th, 2019|Europe, France|0 Comments
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