May 8
My mobile buzzer calls 07.00, and awoke with something of a shock. I have sleept like a log and drowsy I draw up the canvas zipper and the first thing I see is a dog face 10 inches from mine looking at me with curious eyes…

When I woke up and open the zipper…what a surprise… (:-))
What a surprise?
I wondered what he was thinking…
– Daddy…it does´t look like a normal sheep…ehhh… What to do?
He, yes it wa a male, was very kind and constantly wanting to be cuddled. After a while he left and I could start with breakfast.
An hour and a half later I arrive Tohanu Nou and a sign told me to turn right to the castle. The traffic on the narrov road was sparse, maybe due to the fact that it was normal working day and the tourist season not started yet
But closer I get into Bran village the crowds became larger, especially in front of the café and bar, not to mention the Souvenir Shops, like dime a dozen selling knick-knacks… ohhh…puh.
I parked and locked up my bicycle then visit the café for coffe, blogwriting and checking out all the tourists who are crowded outside.
A cute 3-4 years girl did me company