It’s nice to ride a bike
”You only have one life, and sometimes, life events make you contemplate where you’re headed. After several cycling vacations around Europe and Cuba, and some events in my professional life that made me realize everything could come to an end tomorrow.
I decided to upgrade my experiences and fulfill my dream of seeing parts of the world that most people only dream about, all from the seat of a bicycle!
Today December 05 I’m in El Calafate, Argentina and three weeks has passed since start. Tomorrow I heading för El Chalten. So far pretty flat and boring surrandings and lots og hed and crosswinds. The next following days the weather going to be quite nice, sun and not so much wind.
If you are curios what I’m going through, let my hardships and challenges accompany you through this blog.
Welcome to read, comment and share
During TheGlobalCycling1726
Last Update: 2024-01-31
You only live once…or?
Everything ain’t sunshine and rainbows. I come from a privileged land where most things are taken for granted. During thius bike journey, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing generosity and warm welcomes, even though some folks live in simple houses build with clay , no running water and basic amenities. I’ve never felt threatened; doors have always been wide open!
It’s these encounters that make me reflect on where I come from and why I’m continuing this journey.
Feel free to chime in with your thoughts on my experiences, whenever it suits ya.”
// TheGlobalCyclist1726