My fourth continent…

13 November

My flight from Istanbul departs just a few minutes late, at 10:30, heading to Buenos Aires with a passenger and refueling stop in São Paulo.

It’s a long, very long journey. During the flight to São Paulo, I watch three movies, some CNN, and BBC news.

No problems until Buenos Aires.

Tail view and landing at Buenos Aires

First, I saw a man with a sign bearing my name, and he told me I needed to retrieve my luggage and check it in again tomorrow. At Arlanda, I was told not to worry about my luggage until Ushuaia. Now, I have a bad feeling about having to pay again for baggage!

The other problem is a very inefficient passport control, more than 1 hour before my turn. The officer, a young girl with purple streaks in her hair, asks me…

Where do you stay in Buenos Aires?
I told her that I think it is unnecessary as my connecting flight will leave at 06:35 the next morning.

How long will you stay in Argentina?
I explained my itinerary, and also that it’s impossible to know exactly.

She asks me to follow her into the office where three officials work in front of computers. She hands over my passport and my printed online ticket to a bearded man in shabby clothes.

After twenty minutes, he starts asking me the same questions I’ve already answered. He also wants to know my hotel in Ushuaia. I gave him the name and address, and he went back to his computer to enter some information.

After that, I got my passport and online ticket back. I took my luggage and head to the X-ray machine. I also find out where to check in tomorrow and then a place for a simple meal and rest.

Sexteen hours in the air and I’m tired
See Yeah
//The Global Cyclist1 1726

By |2024-11-06T10:06:08+00:00november 14th, 2023|Argentina, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

Time to leave Sweden

November 10-12
I arrived to Arlanda early morning tired …

My luggage and ”Lill Kentha” supervises that everything goes right

and first thing I did was to check how to handle paymernt for my bicycle. Get told not necessary then time for check-in tomorrow.

Booked a cheap apartment hotel, Forenom close to airport but not accessable until 4pm. Enter a bus to Stocholm just for fun and to pass the time.

Lyko open a new shop at Drottinggatan. Thousands youth show some intrerest

Some problem to get a keycode for my room, but after a bit of a struggle with the staff, my reservation was found.

The room is fresh, clean, and has a view of the airport. I’m enjoying a purchased meal and a beer while watching Doobido. I set the alarm for 06:15 and have decided to have breakfast at Radisson Blue tomorrow morning. The terminal bus also stops right outside their entrance.

View from my hotelroom over Arlanda airport

I fall asleep like a log at 11:30 PM.

The breakfast was great and no problem to terminal 5. I was first in the que and no probs to check in. All of my luggage except the backpack was classified as special luggage, and I had to pay 2213 SEK for the bike! Twice as expensive as when I booked the trip in August.

Best of all I don’t have to worry about the luggage until I land in the world’s southernmost city, Ushuaia. Worth a lot!

The flight was easy and quick and a short taxi trip to my hotel, Main Airport. Tomorrow 10.25 am I’m in the air to Buenos Aires, 12 hours.

Waiting for bording and wathch my bicycle box still intact

New mosque close to Istanbul Airport

See yeah later from Buenos Aires
//The Global Cyclist 1726





By |2023-11-12T20:00:19+00:00november 12th, 2023|Europe, General, Sweden, Turkey|0 Comments

Packing, packing cleaning up and more packing

November 10

Outside it is dark and gray; November is the month that most Swedes find challenging. The little snow that has fallen does little to brighten the darkness. ☹️…but soon I will meet my second summer in 4 months!! 🌞 😃

Faresta dressed in autumn fog

Tonight, 22:34, I’m on the train to Arlanda to prepare the flight to Land of Fire and Ushuaia. I have serious anxiety trips. I am looking forward to discovering South America from a bicycle saddle.

The apartment is almost completely empty, with only floor cleaning left to do. . 💓

Dear friends took me for a Salmom dinner at ”Three Bothers restaurant”

Additionally, I have an incredibly kind neighbor who is always there to help when I ask. 👍 He has allowed me to store my furniture and belongings in a large, warm room at a cost that is almost close to free. 😍

On the eve of my departure tonight, I was invited to another dinner, this time by Gordon’s owner, master, and children.

There were drinks, pork with root vegetables and wedged potatoes with whisky sauce, coffee, cookies that the children had made, and then an amazingly good whisky.

Afterward, another dear friend, Enso’s owner, came to drive me and all my luggage down to the train station.
The dog is truly a human’s best friend… and I love dogs

See Yeah later
//The Global Cyclist 1726

By |2023-11-11T19:40:39+00:00november 10th, 2023|Europe, General, Sweden|0 Comments
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