My global trip is coming closer…

27 october

A trip like mine needs some excercise, for both the body, legs, and core, as well as for the mental aspect. Studio To Beat or just S2B helps me with that four days a week.

Today they had arrange the excercise Workout oWeek for breast cancer fundraising… 🫶💓👏…very good initiativ!!

We were 16 tough and tense individuals willing to sweat and moan for this heartfelt fundraiser

Result of what we had achieved

By |2023-10-28T09:36:27+00:00oktober 28th, 2023|Europe, General, Sweden|0 Comments

Seasons first snow

Today, october 18 this seasons first snows was falling. Not much, just a few snowflakes but it tell us that what we have to wait for.

This seasons first snow, 18 october

Later this day I take my bicycle into my fitness gym, StudioToBe for more excercise and preparations for what to come i November.

After a tough excercise S2B offer us to recover in their relaxroom

So far I have completed 33 fitness sessions and I have few weeks left to increase that and I’m sure it will pay off later when the rain, headwinds and slopes turn over me.Not to mention that my mental strength is also boosted…🫶👍

See Ya Later
//The Global Cyclist 1726

By |2023-10-18T12:56:35+00:00oktober 18th, 2023|Europe, General, Sweden|0 Comments
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