Christmas dinner

I found one restaurant in Coyhaique which had open for christms dinner so I decided to join their menu. 8.30 pm I stepped into a hotel, Casino Dreams and on the third floor a huge restaurant, prepered table with white tablecloths, christmas decorations, glass, and cutlery.

Casino Dreams, casino, hotel and restaurant

I chose their Christmas buffet, which was something special and very tasty.

Short brief of christmas menu

Arroz Exotieo
Exotic rice

Ensalada del Chef
Chef Sallad

Colo com pimientos
Coló with peppers

Pulpa al olivo
Olive pulp

Apio con esparrados
Celery with spreads

Crostinis de vacuno eon salsa del pio
Beef crostinis with pio sauce

Ceviche de reineta
Reineta ceviche

Crostinis de gueso crema Y vacuno
Cream cheese and beef crostinis

Salmon en erustada de camaron y salsa espejo de jaiba cremosa …..
Salmon in shrimp erustada and creamy crab mirror sauce

Papas Danphinoise
Gratin dauphinoi
and then some deer barbeque

Not: Google has helped me to translate and describe the menu from spanish. I was not able to that!

I also had the opportunity to use the grill where venison roast was available.

Finished with their dessert table. After almost two hours I was done.

Desert table

On my plate

Returning to my campsite very satisfied

Felice Navidad
//The Global Cycluist 1726

By |2025-01-31T23:53:20+00:00december 25th, 2023|Chile, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

When Patagonien is as best and a swedish meeting

21-23 December

It’s a privilege to witness what I’ve experienced on this journey so far. Patagonia can be harsh when the wind blows from all directions, and there’s nothing providing shelter. Carretera Austral, the road from Villa O’Higgins to Puerto Montt, is mostly just a very rough gravel road and not particularly enjoyable, but it’s part of this type of cycling adventure.

At the foot of the Andes lie large lakes like Lago Argentino, Lago O’Higgins, Lago Viedma, and many others, along with rivers and waterfalls.

The route from Cochrane to Coyhaique started with a seriously bad gravel road for 35-40 km, with hardly
any flat roadretches, but the views were something else.

Rio Baker floats down below

I’ve never experienced anything like it—each view more beautiful than the last, small picturesque and cozy villages, some offering camping and shopping opportunities. After the first day, the gravel road became somewhat more normal, and I could significantly increase my speed, though the steep hills still remained.

I also meet or been overtaking by two other cyclist who has same goal I my self… Not common

More nerds then me cycling south to north.

Lago Buenos Aires at Puerto Rio Tranquilo

I Puerto Rio Tranquilo stop for coffe and sandwich and a short trip to the beach or shore to view some strange formation nature and the water has created

Puerto Rio Tranquilo and Catedral de Mármol

Compared to the landscape between Ushuaia and Puerto Natales in Patagonia, this part is green, lush, and incredibly beautiful. Traffic is quite sparse, and they drive calmly, making the bike journey feel safe. In Villa Cerro Castillo, located by Río Ibáñez, there’s a backpackers’ camping site that I’m using, and across the street, there’s a cafe serving excellent coffee.

Camp Villa Cerro Castillio and mountain Cerro Castillio in background

Thanks to Carretera Austral, tourism in the area has increased, and Cerro Castillo National Park has become a popular destination. The weather is sunny and pleasantly warm, and the weather forecast promises the same for the day after Christmas.

After over 210 km, the gravel road ends, and I get to ride on paved roads the rest of the way to Coyhaique, allowing for even more speed. Five or six miles before Coyhaique, cattle fields spread out like prairies—endlessly large, green, and flat.

Grazeland before Coyhaique

I arrive in town just after 3 in the afternoon, and I’ve already found my camping spot, El Camping, only 600 meters from the central parts.

Coyhaique mountain

Before heading to the campsite, I take a stroll into the lively city center. The first thing I notice is a large grocery chain, Unimark.

As I navigate my bike among pedestrians and market stalls, I faintly hear voices and a way of speaking that increases my pulse.

At the next crosswalk, I ask outright,
 – Do you speak Swedish?
A couple in their mid-30s to mid-40s turns around and answers,

Maria and her partner

 – Yes, we do

My pulse increases even more because it’s a rarity to meet Swedes.

We chat for a while, and the woman, named Maria, from Dalarna but living in Stockholm, suggests that we meet later in the evening for a beer or two. We exchange WhatsApp numbers, and I feel a certain joy. We’ll catch up later to decide on the time.

Down to left beside the bridge over Rio Simpson lies El Camping ( Pic from El Camping website)

I then go and buy a cup of coffee at a nearby café and later head to Unimark for some provisions. Holy grail what a commerce. Shopping carts are more than full. it doesn’t seem like the Chileans have as bad an economy as Google reports or…? Like in Sweden time like this, Christmas.

After that, I make my way down to the camping site by Rio Simpson, and the descent is steep, seriously steep, with a gradient of 10-14%.

El Camping , my tent camp Coyhaique ( Pic from El Camping website)

The camping site is green with large grassy areas and trees.

There’s water at every site, showers, toilets, and a large dining room but no kitchen. However, I have access to a refrigerator and freezer. I plan to stay here for a few nights; it’s Christmas, and it doesn’t feel so pleasant to cycle during the holiday, plus I have plenty of time, Haven’t I…?

I’ll share more later.

P-G //The Global Cyclist 1726


By |2024-11-06T10:14:57+00:00december 25th, 2023|Chile, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

To much stuff and Felize Navidad from Chile

21 December
Day before Day before Christmas Eve

While I been camping here in Cochran I’ve seen other cyclists also with panniers but not so heavy loaded like my bicycle so I decided to do anything about it.
What do I need every day, what Can I avoid and buy later?

DO I need three trousers and jackets plus rain cloth and some shirts and T-shirts?

Is it necessary to carry around three hard drives when you can use USB memorys for 500 GB?

Does it also make sense to have three maps in the handlebar bag when there’s Maps.Me, Locus, and Google Maps to use?

No, No and No.

I put out all my gears and stuff on the lawn and made six different piles. Four pannier piles, one North Face bag pile and the sixth one for equipment to send home!

It became 8,9 kilogram and lots of space over in the panniers and bag and much easier to manage.

Why is’ so hard to learn that you never need all stuff you pack? It’s typical of me, ”might be good to have just in case… etc.”

Merry Christmas from Chile

See Yeah Later
// The Global Cyclist 1726

By |2024-11-06T10:15:14+00:00december 21st, 2023|Chile, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

Gravel roads for 230 km to Cochrane and I’m mentally tired.

16 – 18 December

Villa o Higgins – Cochrane

I wake up half an hour before my Motorola moto (g30) has woken up. Going out to the communal kitchen and preparing breakfast. Muesli, yogurt, eggs, bread with cheese and ham comb then coffee.

The weather outside is sunny just as the campsite owner had promised. In addition to this, he had also promised a gravel road for 230 km!

First 30-35 km road quite OK and beautifu, with breathtaking views of lakes, Lago Cisnes, Vargas and no problem to get water.

Lago Cisnes

Streams, rivers and waterfalls overflow. The problem is the road, or the forest road. Bumps, holes. Loose stones are what I have to fight against.

In addition, a grader has started scraping the road, leaving piles of gravel in the middle of the road, to the left or to the right. No kidding. Cannot maintain a higher average speed than 11-12 km per hour.

The sun is shining from an almost clear blue sky and the mountains around me tower up gigantic with their white peaks

After 45 km there will be a stop for late lunch, soup, bread and coffee and to the sound of a mighty waterfall, Puente de Luna.

Lunch Break at Puente de Luna

Continues stubbornly pedaling and fighting against the cruel gravel road. There will be many short stops. In addition
to this, a number of difficult hills that I have to steer the bike up. On one of the downhills, Tom and Sarah from the UK
ave caught up with me and we talk a bit and at the same time fill up the water bottles. Shortly thereafter, Tom and Sarah
stop at a roofed shelter that appears to be newly built.

Sarah and Tom at their overnight place

They intend to spend the night here. It’s just after half past six and my GPS shows that I’ve cycled 62 km.

Sarah and Tom are very special people. Mischievous, generous and especially Tom seems to care about others… I really like them

I continue downhill through the valley and up the next tough hill.

Scenic view


Can’t be better

When I reach the top, I find a patch of grass by the road and the tent is set up. The clock has struck 7 and the GPS has switched to 70 km.

After a late dinner, noodles, hamburgers, bread, beer and a cup of coffee, I fall asleep like a clubbed ox.

Tomorrow 17 I have some easier cycling towards the ferry landing that will take me across Rio Bravo to Puerto Yungay.

Distans: 71,79 km
Average Speed: 09,60 km/h
Max Speed: 38,4 km/h
Cycling Time:07,26 h/m
Total Time:11:41 h/m
Medium Temp: 15,0 C
Max Temp: 25,0 C
Min Temp: 04,0 C
Total Climbing: 1012 m

December 17

Wake up at 06:15 and it has been minus degrees during the night. My bike cover is covered in ice. First I eat breakfast and then I pack the tent. A few minutes past 8 am I sit on my Brook saddle and roll gently downhill for 3 km. A few small hills, a number of bridges and rivers to cross.

Can’t be better

The road is actually a bit better and above all quite flat.

A few minutes before 11 I see the ferry by the river, also hear some sound signals and the staff waves for me to hurry up. Bikes on board and parks the bike at the back.

The journey over or along the Rio Bravo takes 45 minutes. According to there is supposed to be a café at the quay but it is closed.

Ferry arrives Puerto Yungy

Just keep going…. Uphill, uphill and more uphill. Among the hardest things I’ve ever done. The climb is sometimes between 11-14%.

But all slopes have an end and at the top there is a break for crates and Coca-Cola, while I have coffee and take a breather, Tom and Sarah come on their bikes. New talk and they move on. They are going to Tortel and I to Cochran.

If it was diabolically hard uphill, it was all the more beautiful downhill and the views can not be described well enough, must be experienced.

Gravel road when it’s worst

and best

At the bottom a T-junction and the Cochran sign indicates that I should turn right. The sun shines incessantly but the road is just as bad. Another sign shows that I have 101 km to Cochrane, feels hard! I continue for a few more miles before I find, as it seems, an abandoned or closed roadside restaurant with a guest room. It’s almost 8:00 p.m. The grassy areas inside affect my decision, open the gate and pitch the tent. Prepare the same dinner as last night, noodles, burgers and coffee. No beer and then I pass out again like a beaten ox.
Beck’s daughter only has time to read the audiobook I started for a few minutes before my eyes and ears go out.

Tomorrow just under 78 km to much needed rest. The bike needs to be overhauled, problems with loose rear wheel bearings and broken but so far, the handbrake at the front worked.

Distans:81,45 km
Average Speed: 11,20 km/h
Max Speed: 45,3 km/h
Cycling Time:06,02 h/m
Total Time:10:05 h/m
Medium Temp: 18,0 C
Max Temp: 32,0 C
Min Temp: 07,0 C
Total Climbing: 783 m


18 December

A long day’s hard work towards camping in Cochrane and the summer weather continues, as well as the enormously beautiful surroundings. Absolutely magically beautiful.

”Lill Kentha” my friend and travel companion likes the viewI thought I would get some easier cycling today but that didn’t happen if I don’t ignore the first 32 km. I follow Rio Baker for a while and meet a cyclist from the other direction. He mentions that in three hundred meters I will have to show my true colours.
6 km, over three hundred meters of elevation gain I will overcome.

Switch back almost all the way up to the very peak

Lupines grows allso here

Not as steep as I had first thought, but I can cycle longer distances in the lightest gear. Large parts of the road were serpentine roads.

"Lill Kentha" my friend and travell companion likes the view

”Lill Kentha” like the view

At the very peak a 45 minutes stop for soap,bread, chees and coffe and ”Lill Kentha” asked to join the view

Then downhill and really bad road, many small steep hills and in one of them there was a crash into the ditch when I tried to keep out of the way of a car from behind. When it’s uphill and bumpy the road is too low to keep a completely straight course and it ended up with ditching and now the brake lever for the front brake didn’t hold anymore. My elbow got a scratch, as did my right knee otherwise OK.

Just before, about 4 km before Cochrane, I thought I saw visions…. Asphalt road, shouted out loud ”Yippee Ki-Yay”


Paved road... Wow for four km...yippee ki yay

Paved road for 4 km… What… Yippee Ki-Yay

Half past seven after almost 78 km of gravel road on scandalously bad surface, I find with the help of a bicycle policeman a campsite in the middle of ”town”.
Cochrane is a small but nice town

Cozy place with lawns, rose bushes and shy trees. Theree is a kitchen, as well as a toilet and shower. But the heat of
the water was more suitable for polar bears. But a shower is always a shower.

Camp place middle in town

Decide that here it will be a few nights and tomorrow the bike repairman will be found. Likewise, I have to withdraw cash,
which has been virtually impossible since El Calafate.

Distans: 77,25 km
Average Speed: 11,4 km/h
Max Speed: 47,5 km/h
Cycling Time:06,01 h/m
Total Time:08:21 h/m
Medium Temp: 23,0 C
Max Temp: 36,0 C
Min Temp: 03,0 C
Total Climbing: 1118 m

See you later
// The Global Cyclist 1726

By |2024-11-06T10:15:29+00:00december 20th, 2023|Chile, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

My heading towards Villa O Higgins I never will forgett

My worst 6 km

From the campsite on the northern side of Lago del Desierto, also the Argentine border control, it was only about 20 km to Candelario Mancilla and the Chilean border. Not a long distance, but we had to cross the mountain, through the national park, and that path is mostly empty river and stream ravines. Plus, a lot of elevation gain.

Fighting upwards and wet mud

Just face it, nothing to do but fight the nature


I am proud that I managed this, and I have to thank all the training at Friskis and Svettis (F&S) and Studio To Be(S2B)  Örnsköldsvik for this.
But now, looking back, I wouldn’t have wished the challenges, the undone challenge. It was fantastic and devilish at the same time, and the nature experience was incredibly beautiful. It’s amazing to see how nature takes care of everything and ensures that the balance is maintained.

Luckily, especiall for me,  we were three of us – me and a young German couple, Janick and Charlotte – who could help each other at the toughest sections.

Thankfully, no rain and no headwind! If it was tough, the surroundings were even more beautiful, absolutely wonderful, almost magical. Just before 2:00 PM, we reached the Chilean border.

From here, about 15 km to the border control, and it was a gravel road. The first 10 km went fairly well, but the last five km were a brutal, devilish downhill in serpentine form, loose gravel, and large loose stones. No railings, and it dropped hundreds of meters down.

A fall here, and it would be a journey home!… In a bag. Moreover, my brake pads were almost completely worn out!

Downhill like hell and gravelroad with loose stones

Just before 4:00 PM I was down and seeing the blue waters of Lake O’Higgins and the mountains on the other side was an unparalleled experience.
At the border control, Janick, Charlotte, and the two French girls were waiting to have their passports approved. I had to wait for 45 minutes. But no problems, I got my stamp and 90 day to stay whitin Chile whitout ant VISA.

Then a short bike ride of 1.5 km to a campground intended only for bike enthusiasts like me and hikers. A huge green area, Lake O’Higgins below, free-roaming dogs, horses, and mini-pigs. A large shed that we could use as a dining room. There were toilets and showers with hot water. I fell asleep quickly this night.

Campsite Cancelario Mancilla

The weather, was quite good, the sun was shining almost all time. Camped here for two nights because the ferry only departs on Mondays and Thursdays. The departure time depends on the weather. Those of us heading towards Villa O’Higgins find out first at 11:00, then at 10:00, and late Wednesday evening, the camp owner says it departs at 07:00 the next morning.

It turned out that time was incorrect; it left from Villa O’Higgins at 07:00, so we had to wait until shortly before 09:00. The ferry, quite small, had 20 seats.

Waiting for ferry boat at Candeleria Manzilla


Main street Villa O Higgins

The lake, Lago O’Higgins, was extremely choppy, jumping and pounding for over 1 and 3/4 hours. But everything went well. From Bahia Bahamondez, it’s a relatively easy ride to Villa O’Higgins.

My computer room behind a gasstation.Internet was not Europe standard but´the
gasstation has fast and stable connection.

My next goal is Cochrane, about 220 km north of Villa O’Higgins, and then Puerto Montt. Cochrane is, by the way, the only place where you can withdraw cash… So, I’ll stock up on food before I head off.

Take care and see you,
// The Global Cyclist 1726

By |2024-11-06T10:15:51+00:00december 15th, 2023|Chile, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

Tentcaming three nights in a busy El Chalten

8-10 December

I arrivede into El Chalten around noon. Flat road and no headwind made it quite easy to rech the town. El Chalten it’s like a mekka fpor bikes and trekkers. It’s also close to Chile.

It is completely evident that El Chaltén and its inhabitants live off tourism. I could list 100 hostels, guesthouses, and a few hotels. Bars and restaurants are also plentiful.

Personally, I booked a spot at a campground right in the middle of town, so to speak. Access to a kitchen, dining room, lounge, shower, and toilet. It turned out to be three nights.

My camping plce in El Chalten

A quite cozy campground with mountains all around. I also made a reservation for the boat trip across Lago del Desierto that will take me towards Chile. At the campground, I met many like-minded people and, of course, gained a lot of useful information about the journey from El Chaltén to Villa O’Higgins.

The weather varies from chilly to sunny, only to turn to rain a few minutes later. The information I received made me more convinced that the journey would be anything but easy. Not the boat trips, but from the Argentine border control located at the northern end of Lago del Desierto. From here, it will be walking, carrying, and pushing the bike for over 6 km, and quite steep uphill

See yeah later
//The Global Cyclist

By |2023-12-14T18:48:59+00:00december 14th, 2023|Argentina, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

More straight stretches and Fitz Roy for two days

7-8 december, Pink house – El Chalten

I felt rested when I woke up shortly after 06:30. Outside the ten it was quiet, only occasional vehicles passing by, and the sun illuminated my tent. Had some breakfast – musli, yogurt, bread, and coffee. Then off shortly before 8:15. Headwind, but not much.”

Pulled over at La Lenoa, right by the river of the same name. It’s already crowded here, and the restaurant inside is almost full.

Grabbed a coffee and pulled out my computer for route updates. The sun is shining now as it can, and it’s a typical Swedish summer day.

Got some better wind a few miles later and stopped at some viewpoints. Often the subject of curious questions and photos.

At one point, some Indians wanted to try riding my ”bike.” Almost had a crash… ”How heavy it is!” he exclaimed. ’You must be strong.”

Some curious people from India want to try my bike…jisses

At next stop ”Mirrador” I am also seen with curious eyes and ears by a group of bus tourists from Italy.

Before they left, a younger woman came up with a bag of sandwiches with cheese and meat and asked if it would taste good.

I answered happily and surprised, and gave her a hug. Later I pedaling away after some miles I cought up a German young couple, 25 years old.
They had the same goal as me, El Chalten. Most cyclists I’ve met have ridden from north to south. So, this couple was the second cyclist going in the same direction as myself.
I think it has to do with how the winds blow down here.

Flat, empty landscape, and Lake Viedma.

Patagonia is so flat and empty of buildings that I wonder if the world’s population could fit here if it were as densely populated as New York.

Few minutes after 2 pm I turned left into Ruta 23. It’s a huge T-junction and close to a busstop shelter a strange monument stood nearby. At first looked like a crashed plane but it turned out to be a metal fish…. I will latwer try to find out more about this strange object and let you know

Metallic fish, or El Pez Metálico monument Ruta 40- Ruta 23

From now the forenoons nice and helpful wind turned over to headwind and the road stretches become longer and longer.The only thing that keept my mind a little bit positiv was the mountains in front of me,  the majestic Fitz Roy and the blue green Lago Viedma on my left side.

You can’t stop get impressed of its beauty. Sometimes I imagine that Fitz Roy tells ”Come Closer, explore me.

After around 75 km and at the very end om Lago Viedma I say some small cozy ponds so I decided it was enough cycling for to day. The headwin has done its job and I was tired. It’s always pratical to tent beside water, you can do some cleaning and wash the dishes.

My Gourment kitchen

My campplace 45 km south El Chalten and Fitz Roy standning proudly in the background

Fitz Roy

While eating late dinner the sun is still up, the cows roaring, horses grazing on the other side of the ponds and the birds is relaxing and playing in the water and I enjoy my view.

Tomorrow flat and 45 km road to El Chalten and the first thing I gonna do and prepare is how to book ferryboat over Lago del Desierto. This tour dosen’t accept credit cards , only cash and what I’ve been told by others making bank withdrawals from ATM in El Chalten is often a problem,  often run out of money

See yeah Later

//The Global Cyclist 1726

By |2024-11-14T22:12:56+00:00december 10th, 2023|Argentina, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

El Calafate and bus terminal sleeping

3-7 December, El Calafate- La Leona

I arrived into El Calafate aftert midnight, outside it was totally black. I packed my bicycle and then cycled around to find a grren pot to pitch up my  tent. I thought I found one but a car with flashing red-blue lights show up. It was the local police. They banned me to camp , it was to dangwerous they said…. Try bus termina!

Just to face a follow the local rules so I cyclewd back to bust terminal trying to get some vhours sleep. At the bus terminal, several others had made the same decision… to stay overnight until all hostels and hotels opened.

I got barely three hours of sleep before being awakened by the hustle of bus tourists arriving. Checked for a cheap hostel and found Hostel Titan just about 4 km outside the city center. Booked two nights for $22, including breakfast.

The hostel looked more like a hotel, spacious, elegant furniture, clean and well-maintained. Upstairs, there was a dining room and a pub, both quite luxurious.

Hostel Titan Receptiobn


Hostel Titan dinning room and pub

Kitchen part

The problem was that the hostel hadn’t received my booking despite notifying them. It got resolved after half a day.

As a goodwill gesture for all the hassle, I got to join the hostel’s tour to Perito Moreno

Perito Moreno glacier

Strangely enough, I think the problem was worth it.

My next goal isa El Chalten  which lies about 220 km north and by Ruta 40. I checked the weather reports several times, and they promised sunny and warm weather.

Feels really nice, so now I can skip long pants, a warm sweater, and a jacket. Instead, it’ll be 3/4 pants and cycling jerseys.
The wind is also supposed to die down, just 5-7 m/s. Dealing with a bit of headwind is something I’m calculating in.

I had very relaxing time in El Calafate. The town is busy with tourists, crowdy everywere. The day for heading El Chalten the sky is clear blue and I got tailwind my first 35 km. I turned left from Ruta 11 into Ruta  40 and close to the junction a couple from Switzerland has stoped for rest.

They heading El Calafate. Aftervsome small talks I continoue north facing some bheadwind. The sun was warming up and regardless the headwind it was quite veasy cyclingm, I’ve had worse than this. I feel also like my arms are going to get sunburned today.

Crossing Rio Santa Cruz blue-green water

Curious Indians wanted to try my bike. Was about to end up crashing… How heavy it is, he exclaimed

Later in the evening I stoped for water refilling at a lonley house after the road.
They also invited me for coffe and some cakes

Now n the late afternoon I got some tailwind so I continoue cycling futher while I had this wind in my back. When the clock struck almost 8:30 I saw the mythical house Pink House, here there will be camping tonight, but not indoors.
It is quite a different place. Just a rather ugly squat that is covered with graffiti from cyclists from all over the world. It’s is more than worn.
Still, it is shelter from the wind and the nearby river is a source of water with which to wash and it is, for whatever reason, a landmark for touring cyclists I didn’t sleep inside, pitch up my tent outside, find it more nice


The Pink House after Ruta 40

See Yeah Later

// The Global Cyclist 1726


By |2023-12-10T02:01:11+00:00december 7th, 2023|Argentina, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

Forst crazy tailwind, then crazy crosswind & finally a police stoped me to contine El Calafate

December 1-2

From Puerto Natales first nice and easy cycling, then sidewind like no others so far. upon that a long slope uptil Chile bordercontrol into Argentina and then even longer uphill to the Argentine border control in Rio Turbio.

I stopped in town för coffe and sandwich which become a whole dinner . I was needed to ask for a bag to take with me half the sandwich. From here to El Calafaten the road is road winds in an arc and stretches out into a desolate and flat landscape. Nothing to see, just desolate, spme cows and sheeps thats all. But the road was pretty flat.

Camped 65 km east of Rio Turbio amongs dead or half dead trees to avoid the strongest wind.

Distans: 64,57 km
Average Speed: 11,4 km/h
Max Speed: 50,0 km/h
Cycling Time:05:34 h/m
Total Time:06:48 h/m
Medium Temp: 10,0 C
Max Temp: 19,0 C
Min Temp: 02,0 C

The morning after, headed towards El Calafate. I stopped at a police station in the middle of the wilderness. Asked for water, charging for my phone, and was offered to sit down eatiung for own coffee with a sandwich.
Tapi Aiki policestation in the middle of nowhere

Tapi Akie policestation officer who let me sit down while eating a sandwich and drinking coffe.

Then set off, initially on a gravel road that was supposed to be a  shortcut. The crosswind slowed me down and it was to risky for a crash. Back onto the main road, heading towards Esperanza. A detour of 70 km. Now I have a tailwind like crazy. Some sections at 30-40 km/h or more

Ruta 4o between Rio Turbio and Esperanza. Mostly total flat. This part some km from Tapi Akie

Arrived Esperanza just before 4:00 PM. Here, I’m supposed to turn left and encounter a hellish headwind and crosswind. The police stop both me and four motorcyclists from heading towards El Calafate. The risk of accidents is evident. The motorcyclists have to wait for the wind to decrease. I have to take a bus if I want to leave today or tomorrow. While waiting I stepped into the bar and just wait.

Distans: 121,89 km
Average Speed: 21,89km/h
Max Speed: 33,5 km/h
Cycling Time:06,02 h/m
Total Time:10:05 h/m
Medum Temp: 10,0 C
Max Temp: 18,0 C
Min temp 02,0 C

See yeah Later

//The Global Cyclist 1726

By |2023-12-02T22:23:54+00:00december 2nd, 2023|Argentina, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments

Torres del Paine

December 1
Puerto Natales

Yesterday I did a guided tour round and through the nationalpark Torres del Paine. A whole day with gorgeous and  scenic views never will forget.

Lago Nordenskjold

Lago Nordensljold

Lago Grey and Ice berg

Monumento Natural Cueva del Milodón

Today I leave Casa Lili and Puerto Natales for heding north west and into Argentina again. My main goal is El Chaltern but my first milestone is El Calafate. Calculate  a week cycling  for this tour. Everything is depend on the weather and by that I mean headwind or crosswind and how much.

Casa Lili and kitchen activities. Nice place and cosy atmospher’

See yeah later
// The Global Cyclist 1726

By |2024-11-06T10:16:39+00:00december 1st, 2023|Chile, General, SouthAmerica|0 Comments
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