Pontianak welcomes me

Just before and around the time just before ”take off” to Pontianak, I receive a message from Worldtracer that says…

CGKGA76435 – Bag01/Red
Your item has been found and will be received at its destination tomorrow, Pontianak.

That sounds good; I’ll have to return to the airport tomorrow, but I’m glad the bag has been found. I had estimated that the contents were worth around 1700-1800 $ if I had to buy equivalent items.

For the rest of the time until the departure at 15:25 from Gate 16, I’m mostly relaxed at my window seat. The check-in process goes smoothly, and we taxi towards the runway on schedule.
The plane barely takes off before I fall asleep with my headphones on, which I had plugged in to watch TV right in front of me on the seatback.

I wake up about 25 minutes before we’re supposed to land and see that the flight attendants have given me a tray with food and water. I finish the rice and chicken but leave the little container with some sweet pink dessert, dosn’t look tasty!

Pontianak below and Kapuas river floating throug

At 5:05 PM, the plane’s wheels touch down with a slight screech and then a strong but safe braking.

Waiting for Taxi to my hotel

The rest goes quickly with no issues at passport control. The airport isn’t particularly large, similar to Midlanda. The bags, except for the missing North Face bag, come gliding on the conveyor belt at Claim 3, and the bicycle box as well. I then head towards the exit.

Getting a ride to the hotel in Pontianak wasn’t difficult. Taxis are waiting outside the airport, and within three-quarters of an hour after getting my luggage, the taxi drives towards the entrance of Aiyr Pontianak Selatan Imam Bonjo.

The check-in at the hotel Merparti goes quickly since I’ve already booked the room via Hotels.com.

The room is on the third floor, but there’s no elevator, so I get some help carrying all my luggage. They place the bicycle box inside a sort of baggage room at the reception.

The hotel is two-star, but the room is quite decent with two single beds, TV, and air conditioning. Breakfast, included in the price, is served between 06:00 and 09:00.

Tonight, I’ll have an early night as I’m tired. Not much sleep at airport!

I’ll catch up with you later from the lively Pontianak on Borneo.
// P-G The Global Cyclist 1719

By |2023-10-01T10:26:56+00:00februari 19th, 2019|Indonesia, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments

The island of Orangutans – Borneo

Soon, in about a day, I’ll be stepping foot in my twentieth country, the land of orangutans. I’m looking forward to this adventure with excitement and delight… Wow, I have to pinch myself for all the experiences and challenges I’m going to face.

Borneo, my planned route through island

Roughly an hour after departing from Changi Airport in Singapore, we touch down in Jakarta, Indonesia, at Soekarno-Hatta Airport. It’s pitch black outside, and the time is approaching 11:30 PM. My flight to Pontianak on Borneo is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, so I’ll be spending a good chunk of time at this airport.

But first, I need to go through passport control, and the first thing I see when I enter the hall is a big sign obove my head that reads ”VISA on Arrival.”

There’s no line, so I approach an officer and inquire about how to apply for an extension of my already-granted 30 days. I don’t think 30 days will be enough to explore the island. He tells me that I need to purchase a card or receipt for $30, which, starting from today’s date and before my initial 30 days expire, should be presented to an immigration authority in one of the cities I’ll be passing through.

Then I’ll automatically get an extra 30 days on Borneo.

I pay the fee directly to the officer and then proceed across the hall to passport control, where I show both my passport and the newly acquired VISA card.

The woman says the same thing as the officer on the other side of the hall, that I should later present my passport and VISA Receipt in the city where I wish to extend by 30 days.

I receive my passport stamps and head towards baggage claim. There’s a sign that says ”Claim 6,” so I make my way there.

The suitcases start coming down the conveyor belt just as I arrive, and I load them onto a trolley.

I notice that my bike box is a little further down and steer the cart in that direction. Just as I’ve loaded the box onto the trolley, I realize that one bag is missing.

It’s the red North Face bag with a complete tent, mattress, liner, pillow, and silk sheets inside.

The belt has stopped, meaning no more bags are on their way. I find a service staff member and am advised to go to Garuda’s service office to file a loss report.

Using the stickers on my boarding pass, we note that a bag is missing, indicating that it’s the airline’s fault, not mine.

The luggage was checked in correctly in Singapore, as confirmed by my stickers.

I provide my mobile phone number, WhatsApp number, my address in Pontianak, and the man behind the desk takes note of everything. I receive a receipt for my report.

The receipt also contains their WhatsApp number and a reference number I should mention when calling.

I’m afraid it might be more than one night in Pontianak, I definitely want to get the North Face bag with the tent back before I continue.

I then push the trolley cart back towards the exit and take the escalators two floors up to terminal three and Gate F.

Up here, I’ll try to find somewhere to rest. I find a booth with the sign ”Scandinavian” above it, it fits me perfect

Inside the booth, there’s a sofa with a upright back, two light green armchairs, and a table. I try to get into a relaxed position so I can get a few minutes of sleep, but it doesn’t take long before the travelers start walking around, so I didn’t get much sleep.

Good night, it started off well with Indonesia…!!

See Yeah from Pontianak, Borneo
// P-G The Global Cyclist 1719

By |2023-10-13T07:35:46+00:00februari 18th, 2019|General, Indonesia, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments

Bicycle repair, Gardens by the Bay, Sentosa and Marina Bay Sands

The Chinese New Year celebrations disrupt my planning with almost a week. During this celebration, almost everything owned by Chinese people is closed, also bicycle workshops. Someone told me they dont´t open until februari 11. But I don´t have any hurry!

Instead I explored Singapore both by walking around but mostley using the subway, Singapore Mass Rapid Transit or SMRT. This transport system it´s smart, fast , quite cheap and very very clean. Both the subway cars and stations. Even though I tried, it was hard to find any graffiti or trash.

You can´t find any garbage, dirt or graffiti

Clean, clean and clean

I have mentioned it before about the Durian fruit and its smell, down here signs on several places forbids you from bringing durian on board

The rules are clear and the fines high if you break some.

Twenty minues later a digital voice announce that we are stoping at Bayfront station. To find my wau out to Gardens By The Bay was easy,
signs, arrows fo follow, can´t miss.

Then I had to follow the walkways which were very well signed. It was like to walk in a green dream garden.

Garden By The Bay is an 105 hectares (260 acres) area with lots of walkways.

In the green city of Singapore lies one of the world's most beautiful parks - Gardens by the Bay - a park
that I could never get enough of.
Didn't have to walk far from SMRT station before I saw the enormous giant trees which resembled a giant Y.

Hard to miss this huge supertree groves.

My first attraction was to visit the OCBC Skyway, a walkway between the crowns of the super trees.

OCBC Skyway is 128 meter long and 22 meters above the ground

When I get there it was a que, but I understand why everyone wants to walk up in the artificial treetops, because the view was fantastic.
The fee cost 8 SGD$ or 55 SEK.

View from OCBC Skyway,WOW.  A picture is worth a thousand words.

There are 18 Supertree Groves in the park, mostley of them light upp in the evening generated from solarpower.

I wandered around the park for several hours and decided that later in the evening I would visit the light show.   Becuse Gardens by the Bay is not just an attraction during the day, in fact the most magical and eye-catching thing happens every night after dark.

The supertrees host a light and sound show every night that is the best I have ever seen in that category. Twice a night, the Supertree Grove is packed with people.

Supertrees lightning up, around 6.30 PM

Everyone sits everywhere on the ground and everyone looks up at the supertrees in awe.

When I was here, a kind of musical show was played with different artists. The music and the performance was fantastic and the supertrees’ light show was magical.

Supertree Magical Show

The light show was not diminished by the city of Singapore being illuminated by shops and stores in the background.

Super tree with one of many light shapes and the city lit up i the background

That I got goosebumps was no exaggeration. That says something about how fantastic and magical this was.

If you are going to visit Singapore, you must not miss this spectactular show and its free

This picture of OCBC Skyway is Photoshopped

Around 10 pm I walked back through a vibrant and colorful Singapore and I was more than satisfied. Stoped for a cold beer at a pub
before goodnight.

See Yeah later
// P-G, The Global Cyclist


By |2025-01-23T22:02:23+00:00februari 7th, 2019|General, Singapore, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments

Singapore and Chinese New Year!

February 4

If getting through the border control was easy and hassle-free, getting into the city was a different story. Not my day!

Highways, highways, and highways, Maps.Me counted thirteen of them, none of them allowed cycling and my GPS was not working optimally.

Cycling is not allowed on the Highway Express so I was ”picked up” by the tow truck!!

I naively thought they would give me a ride to the city center, but no such luck! They found an exit on the side of theexpress highway and dropped me off there.

Now I was completely lost. Google Maps offered some help, but after another half an hour or so without even finding a bus and it was almost black dark outside so I had to ask for help at a small airport.

I asked them to call for taxi and also gave them instruction to notify the cab driver that I had a bicycle with panniers. After half an hour the taxi showed up.It was a van so there where no probs to load my bicycle. 25 minutes later he drove into the chinese part of Singapore.

The traffic was anything but sparse—cars, pedestrians, and tourists were everywhere. It was pure chaos. The taxi driver dropped me off a few blocks from Temple Street, my hotel street.

 – I can’t drive any further,” he said.
It’s Chinese New Year, to much people. Just follow the street and look to the right.

We unloaded the bike, and I carried on. Above me hung banners, flags, and colorful lanterns. Pigs in all sorts of shapes and forms were everywhere. For the Chinese, this is the Year of the Pig.

I couldn’t help but be fascinated by the festivities that had just begun.

When I finally found my street, I realized that getting to the hotel, just 500 meters away, would be a challenge. I had never seen so many people on a single street at the same time—three people per square meter, and there I was, with my bike loaded with five bags.

Temple street in evening. The street was packed with people.Imagine me with a bike loaded with five packed
bags who is trying to get ahead!

I squeezed through the throngs of tourists, I caught a strong smell, which turned out to be the fruit durian, also known as the ”king of fruits.”

Many people found this smell is pleasant sweet fragance. I wasn´t none of them👎. For me it was overpowering and unpleasant

Durian fruit, also called ”king of fruits” Very popular in Southeast Asia, especially China (Foto: Sadiq Asyraf/AP/TT)

It took me 45 minutes to find my hotel, Beds Dreams Inn. Inchecking easy and quick. Got a bed in a 4 bed-room on the bottom floor. My bicycle I locked up with a wire outside under entrance roof. My bags I could take into the room.


Today distance 177,1 km Travel time 06:16 h.m Total time 12:29:06 h.m
Max speed 46,2 km/h Medium speed 14,5  km/h
Max temp 44,0 °C Average temp 35,5 °C Min temp 27,0 °C


See yeah later
// P-G, The Global Cyclist




By |2025-01-23T22:37:29+00:00februari 6th, 2019|Singapore, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments

Leaving Malaysia for Singapore

This is my last day in Malaysia, if nothing unexpected comes up, touch wood! my plan is to reach Singapore and my hotel on Temple Street late this afternoon.
The sun is shining from an almost clear sky and it is hot and very humid.  I did a short stop and break when I saw a sign for bee farm, only 2 km from mainroad.

Entrance to the bee farm, Milik Penuh Mersing Bee farm Mersing

I was guiden around the bee farm by this smiling man.
The guide says each hive produces about 10 kg per month, about 2 kg per frame.

The road AH18 looks like this long stretches. Oilpalms plantations on both sides

After this break I continue my journey south. Quite easy cycling but  I notice some strange noise when I try to put more force on the pedals, but I couldn´t see  anything strange.

17-20 km after Jemaluang I get a response to the strange noises, suddently I lost every power , the chain has broken. Unfortunately, I have any chain lock left and  my spare link can’t be found either. I had to steer the bike to the next small town to find a bike repair shop or a bus to Johor Baharu, but without success.

Two elderly men in a repair shop offer me a ride to his home village a few km away to get help with my problem.

Accept the offer. We drove off and they stopped for lunch and paid mine.

The help they talked about wasn’t worth much. While I was looking the other way, the so-called repairman assembled the chain without pulling it through the derailleur.

The nearest bike repair shop was in Singapore so the only thing left to do now was to hop on a bus from the nearest village to Joho Baharu and from there find a way to my hotel in Singapore.

Phew what a day

In Kota Tinggi I bought a bus ticket to Johor Baharu bordercontrol, nearly 40 km. Then I had to steer my my ”bike crew” through the control.

Zero problem to pass through, pretty fast.

Now I will cross the Johor Strait, a 1.1 km wide road then I’m in my Singapore, my 18th country om this journey!!

Johor–Singapore Causeway over Johor straits

There were also no probs to pass through the Singaporian passcontrol. My biggest problem now is how to get to the Chinese part of Singapore, where I have booked a hotel room.

See Yeah later from Singapore
// P-G, The Global Cyclist


By |2025-01-18T21:56:50+00:00februari 5th, 2019|Malaysia, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments

Diving and Aquatic Varan

My second day on the island of Pulau Tioman is just nothing to write about, sleeps late, eats breakfast and strolls around among the few shops that are here. Tekek, the main village actually has only one street, where almost every shop, bar, restaurant and rental/tourism company is located. Tekek has also a very small airport, and a bank, but no problem to use creditcards.


Tekek mainstreet

Pulau Tioman Airport,is not large, slightly smaller than Schiphol’s complex in Amsterdam

Sunset at my corel reef beach

Tomorrow I had bought a speed boat tour, for bath and diving with snorkel.

Good Night
// P-G, The Global Cyclist

I woke up half past seven, walk some fifty meter to breakfast room for fried eggs and rice, toast butter and cheese and before I left
black coffe.
The speed boat leaves halv past nine from the marinan, 10 minutes walk from my cottage room. Marina from where all speed boats leaves

The weather is perfect, no to warm and some wind.
We are 10-11 person, most from Malaysia but also three girls from Germany. We stops at some popular beaches for snorkling and bath.

Just befor my first snorkel diving

The snorkeling equipment is provided by the tour operator. I haven´t snorkle much before so it will so it takes a little bit of practice to find the technique and rhythm in your breathing, but then a whole new world appears under the surface. Lots of colerful fishes and corals.

My first underwater photo

Some of the girls bring slices of bread that they fed the fishesd with, they acte like flies on a suguar cube. It was cool to swim in the middle of a school of fish.

Before our lunch at a popular diving-and beach bay, Salang Village we had some more stops for diving. The water is clear and there are lots of colorful fish around all the time. Feels like you are swimming in an aquarium.

A very popular beach, especially for scuba divers.

Here we stay for an hour for lunch before we head a little further north around a small island that is a bit out to sea.

This island is not allowed to go ashore as it is home to some Varanas, but we did get to see one or two wandering in a leisurely rocking walk on the small beach that existed.

Aquatic Varan. Has been regular on main island before, but now has been moved to an separate and empty island

Some years ago these varanas was quite common on main island and Tekek, they become to ”friendly” because the tourist fed them. So they decided to move them to an emty island.

Halv past three we where back at marinan and I was quite satisfied. Back to my cottageroom for a quick shower to get rid of all the salt. The late dinner a some cold beer

Tomorrow  I need to get up early, the ferry boat back to mainland, Mersing departs 7 am

Good Night
// P-G, The Global Cyclist

By |2025-01-11T22:53:19+00:00februari 4th, 2019|Malaysia, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments

Our routs splits and ferryboat to Pulau Tioman

After our lunch Marcus join me to the ferry terminal and from here our paths diverge.

Mersing ferry harbor terminal

Fishermans harbor in Mersing

The ferry leaves 5 pm so little more than an hour to by a ticket and a cup of coffe. There are quite a lot of people waiting for the ferry.60 RM (130 SEK) coast the ferry ticket for Bluewater Ferry and the journey takes about 1.5 to 2 hours depending on the weather and tide conditions.

Bluewater ferry

Bluewater ferry

Ferry Route Mersing – Tekek, Pulau Tioman

Vädret är mulet but warm and it also blows from the sea, the waves have white backs and the ferry has good speed, about 17 knots.

Just before half past eight, after four stops on the island, I get off at the seaside resort of Tekek, which is also something of a capital on the island.

After about half an hour of searching, I find a cheap hotel complex, Coral Reef, which consists of small cottages instead of hotel rooms and the beach is only about ten meters away.

My room at Corral Reef cottage. It was cheap in many way

fter a shower in semicold but refreshed shower water, I head to the only street there is and enter a Chinese restaurant.

I was hungry like a wolf and order fried rice and a meat dish called Sizzling Iron Plate according to the menu and it tastes delicious.

Before I head back to my little cottage I bought a large Coke with me because what the camping has to offer they have tripled up the price a little too much.

Good Night
// P-G, The Global Cyclist

By |2025-01-10T21:52:18+00:00februari 2nd, 2019|General, Malaysia, SouthEast Asia|0 Comments
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