Short day on sadle to Pualu Pinang and George Town
At 8 o’clock I sit down at the breakfast table and eat my fill.
There are even prince sausages and white beans, coffee and small cakes. At 10 o’clock I start walking the 1.6 km that it is to Option Cyclist and arrive a few minutes before half past eleven.
My bike is ready, but he points out that the front tire is very worn, which is not so strange considering that it will soon have rolled 10,000 km. I ask him to change and he says that unfortunately I can not get the same quality as I had, Continental tires.
I am aware of that, but still ask him to make the switch. Half an hour later, everything is fixed, new front tire, new spokes, adjustment of rear wheels and brakes at a cost of 80 RM – Ringgit Malaysia or Malaysian dollar pretty much exactly 175 SEK.
It is about 35 km to Butterworth and another few km through town to the ferry terminal over to the island of Penag and Geroge Town.
A few km outside Sungai Petani I see a large ”crow’s castle” which I think is a Buddhist or Chinese temple and I make a U–turn and cycle into small workshop buildings and a car dealership before I see a portal in front of the temple.

Quite impressive temple buildning and the interior was also
Free entry and I park the bike outside the entrance. Inside the temple, colorful figures are set up on a podium with a table in front of it,
and on this are a number of mortars.
Find out it is a chinese taoistiskt temple.
At another podium, surrounded by carved ornaments and colorful curtains, there is an even larger table on which there are some small animal–like figures with sticks and also bowls of fruits and rice. What makes me react is that among these I can count fifteen bottles of unopened Guinness beer.
The temple is decorated with bowls, animal figurines, and other colorful items. Not a square centimeter is empty.

Interior view. both beautiful and scary at same time
The visit lasts about half an hour before I turn south towards my next destination! The rest of the way to Butteworth goes quite smoothly despite the heavy traffic.
My cycling to Butterworth wasn’t something I will remember. Busy traffic, industrial areas, suburbs, quite boring cycling but the road was good.
I arrived at Butterworh just after one o’clock. Before I enter ferry terminal I stoped for quick coffee break some km away. No problems to find the ferry, signs every 500 meters easily guided me to the terminal
1.40 Ringgit costs the ticket over and it takes just under half an hour and the ferry is completely full. It was crowded on the vehicle deck but I was able to fit the bike against some large poles.

It was crowdy onboard
As soon as I left the ferry, I turned right after the main thoroughfare and then followed where everyone else seemed to be heading. After a few hundred meters along narrow, cramped streets, I ended up in front of an Indian restaurant and ordered a late lunch.Traces of China and India are strikingly evident: many signs feature Chinese characters, and you also see many George Town residents with Indian features.While eating, I searched for a cheap hostel and found one just a few steps away from where I was sitting. It was called Tonight Hostel. The room cost 30 Ringgit, and they even offered coffee and sandwiches in the morning. I got a family room all to myself.I was allowed to park my bike in a small room between the entrance, the reception, and the stairs leading up. I only brought the essentials with me and quickly headed to the shared shower.
Today distance | 45,0 km | Travel time | 03:44 h.m | Total time | 06:00 h.m |
Max speed | 39,1 km/h | Medium speed | 14,9 km/h | ||
Max temp | 38 °C | Average temp | 34,1 °C | Min temp | 25 °C |